I've been trying to help this new part of B-Roll Online get rolling with, what I consider, honest thoughts...without crossing the line and hurting peoples feelings or simply becoming empty "good story" comments.
It's hard to present thoughts without hurting feelings.
I want to say one thing up front that is important about what I write.
I am not perfect...nor the best all the time.
When I write a criticism, I am looking to offer points that may not have been noticed. Ways to improve. Things that I myself sometimes fail to accomplish until after I look at my own work.
I am not looking to tear anyone down and, by doing so, make myself seem better, smarter or more talented than others.
This could be a really positive part of B-Roll Online that didn't exist anywhere, any place, before. Immediate feedback from others who know how we have to do our jobs.
We all have to do what we can to maintain the honest feedback balanced by the reality none of us were there shooting the story, working under those specific circumstances when a posted story is produced.
I will be the first to say arm-chair quarterbacking is easy.
Deadlines are different every day...as well as the ability of those we are working with to get the story to air. Whether it be in less than an hour or more than a week.
Never doubt that what I offer when I write are options and views from someone who wasn't there.
We all have better days than others. There is no "best" photog out there.
We are all learning together.
All this being said...people who post work for critiques need to understand one thing very clearly. No story is going to not have comments from others pointing out areas where things might have been done better or differently.
There are many levels of ability represented here at B-Roll Online. Some of us have decades of experience. Others much less. The key to getting better is to listen to all opinions. Even those with fewer years of experience can help better a persons product with fresh eyes or a new technique.
Kev has done a wonderful job of making B-Roll Online an inclusive web site. Yes, some have gotten their feelings hurt. That may or may not be their own fault. If you are posting a story here expecting responses saying "perfect"...I believe that is an unrealistic expectation.
Balancing that...I don't think it's fair to beat on people's hard work without giving them the benefit of the doubt. Whether it's lack of equipment or time. People who post their stories should try and make clear what, if any, real limitations they may have faced getting the job done.
Many times doing a "good job" as a television news photographer isn't just about pretty video. It's all about making deadline with the best product possible with the time and tools available.