Chicago Dog
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  • "You must be joking. Its in these purse-fights that you get the true measure of a person." -- Buck Satan
    Grinner Hester used an email spam attack on my Hotmail account because I pointed out his ignorant stance on a topic he has absolutely no business commenting on.

    Four other members of this forum had their avatars mangled by Grinner Hester's inept Photoshop abilities because they disagree with many of his ignorant statements, too.

    Tell him he's wrong about something and see how long it is before you're on the receiving end of his childish antics.

    There's nothing more sad than ignorance in action.
    "The problem is that the industry has been listening to the wrong people." -- Nino Giannotti, EFP Lighting
    "I hardly need [Nino] to tell me what a densitometer is. I studied photography at Williams College for four years. I think they gave me a pretty good education." -- Michael Rosenblum, Consultant
    Sorry mate i must have logged out of the chat room as you got on i had been in there for fifteen minutes without a soul. cheers
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