Additionally keep in mind that while in our position we need to be tech-savvy, many of the people who do the hiring don't use anything more than e-mail & voicemail.
Most employers/stations aren't willing to give up copywritten material for free.
Try Very happy with their service.
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D. In connection with User Submissions, you further agree that you will not submit material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the material and to grant YouTube all of the license rights granted herein.
While the YouTube use sounds like a good idea, you must keep in mind that the video ultimately belongs to the station. Transmitting their video without consent -- regardless of the medium -- will land you in hot water.
However, I only know of one station (which is in Florida) that actually threatens action against employees who compile résumé tapes without making it known to the management team. Needless to say, not many people are happy there.
well you are lucky to work w/ fully competent management. but the goal is to make sure your possible new management has an easy time veiwing your work.What? Believe it not, all of our managment know how to use the internets and video players.
Although I wonder if you post clips that were copied from the off-air signal if you have a little more wiggle room when it comes to fair use.
what is their policy on "Christmas tapes" to show the family?![]()
well you are lucky to work w/ fully competent management. but the goal is to make sure your possible new management has an easy time veiwing your work.
i read an article about copyright law and your demo reel years ago and it
stated case law on the matter, i will look for it but i believe you are allowed
access to ALL of the material you created while employed by the copyright holder.
you can't sell the material, but you can distribute it for the purpose of gaining
employment and you don't have to get permission.
stations own everything you do for them but they CANNOT take away your claim
in creating the material.