Today I....

Anton Saur

Well-known member
Originally posted by RichVid:
......little Hispanic guy......the poor guy's just got a blank stare...
No Habla Ingis, por favor.

of course, maybe he did habla de lingo, but either way....he wasn't yappin'.

Natural Born Stringer

Well-known member
Originally posted by RichVid:
......After FD rescued him, the cops cuff him and are walking him to the patrol car when one of the other cams jumps right in his face with the SunGun at full bore and the guy starts yelling "WHY'D YA DO IT? WHY'D YA GO IN THE CHIMNEY?!?!?" over and over...
Yup. Sounds like L.A. alright.

I am always amazed at the camera dudes out there.. On almost every LA chase that is aired, you see at least one photog running right up to the car as they are pulling the suspect out - crazy! The chippies literally have to hold them back or they'd be so close that they could tell you how many zits the suspect had. It's like these guys are trying out for COPS or something. What the hell are they gonna do if the guy pulls out an Uzi or something? That's why I don't do this.

Out here, we just let the helo get the shot with that big a$$ gyrocam zoomed in from 1/2 mile away. Or if it's at night we just wait until he's cuffed and stuffed in the car and then we walk up and get our suspect shots. I usually get their attention and then give a one finger salute while rolling - that's a great way to get that "deranged lunatic" suspect shot.


Well-known member
I just don't like hassling them in the name of the almighty dollar...that's all it's about...people with cams out here act like morons 'cuz there's alot of competition...If you wanna see guys with hair standing up on the back of their necks like doggies, show up at the end of a pursuit here on an overnite and you'll have 20 stringers MF'ing each other and jostling for position...

Stringing: It's not just a job,
it's an ADVENTURE!

Natural Born Stringer

Well-known member
Originally posted by RichVid:
If you wanna see guys with hair standing up on the back of their necks like doggies, show up at the end of a pursuit here on an overnite and you'll have 20 stringers MF'ing each other and jostling for position...
Damn dude. Out where I am you can't do that unless you really like getting your crap pushed in by the cops. You gotta wait until they give you the nod to approach. It sucks but then again it keeps us news people from acting like retards too. Every once in a while I'll get lucky and get a good shot right at the end of a pursuit. Usually though it's "Are you Media? Staging is over there..." ugh.


Well-known member
Today being thanksgiving, I was sent out to shoot weather video. So I tagged a lady that was rollerblading through a park with a small dog in her backpack. A barking dog, I can't imagine how annoying that must have been for her. For the 400 yards she was in view the dog never stopped barking. Funniest thing I've seen all week.

Otherwise the station bought food so I've been eating all day.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Trybe One

Well-known member
Today i made slot.... times it takes alot of effort,to edit a 1:30 pkg, when you are the lead, and its 10:45pm
and the reporter says "ready to track"....
...P.S...Somtimes we get a whole 30 minutes to edit.....!!


Well-known member
Today I....

Jumped the gun and got lucky on an animal rescue...a little doggie was being stung by thousands of bees in a backyard...the FD didn't put it out as an animal rescue but as a "Public Service" call...a few minutes later I heard a voice over a simplex frequency screaming "Get the bees off the dog!!" So it was like 1+1=...This story was mine and all one else had a clue until I started making calls...

Good rescue with the lil access into the house by the petowners and got some pretty good stuff...Looked like the dog was battered pretty good but would pull through...

NNS bought and CNN was completing the deal when we got word that the poor thing died today (Actually happened yesterday)... So CNN went in the tank...that sucks but believe it or not the dog dying sucks even more...The lil guy had personality...oh well

Natural Born Stringer

Well-known member
Good catch on the dog story! I caught a horse rescue once, but I was new and dumb and let the local CNN affiliate feed it up - damn my noobiness. How much does CNN pay for stuff like that, and who do you call? Just in case I get lucky again...


Well-known member
CNN used to be really cheap but it seems these days they're getting a little better (watch me get slammed here now)...still, they won't go much more than the 3 bill neighborhood for something like that...CNN has a bureau here in Los Angeles and I'd imagine in alot of other major cities...They have an assignment desk just like all the affiliates do...all you need is the number... On this one they actually called me before I called them but as mentioned earlier, it fell through...

Natural Born Stringer

Well-known member
Originally posted by RichVid:
CNN used to be really cheap but it seems these days they're getting a little better..all you need is the number...
Ah in that case then I already have it. It's the local affiliate here.

3 bills? Not too shabby - I've been offered much less than that for alot more work than shooting an animal rescue would be. Thanks for the info, stay safe out there!


Well-known member
Today (tonight really) I...

Was all set to go out like I normally do on a Friday overnite... but...I'm just too damn TIRED from a nasty week...I'm going to bed...good luck everyone else

(Feel like I'm gettin' old)



Last night I...

Shot an assault outside of a Subway restaurant. Turns out it was between a cabby and his fare.... From what I could get out of the officers on scene, the fare didn't feel like paying for his ride (or something to that effect) and a fight ensued... and the skinny harmless looking cabby won! It was the other guys blood on the sidewalk.

I suppose he's getting back at all those who have slighted cabby's everywhere... his personal crusade perhaps. Or maybe he was really erked - and likes a bit of violence every now and then.

Meh, who knows.

I can only wonder what mayhem awaits me for my next overnight. I wait with bated breath.


Well-known member
Yesterday I spent 6 hours sitting on a homicide scene only to get absolutely no information from the detective sgt. in charge of the scene! I love it when the neighboors are more helpful than the police. Nosey neigboors always seem to show up and give out information on the victim.


Well-known member
Today I (Acutally about 1 AM this morning)...

Heard a call come out over Orange County's Fire freqs about a car on the beach ... nothing more... stayed real quiet after that... went down to take a look ... Lo and behold a brand new Ford Expedition IN the Pacific Ocean...the 3 dudes were parked on the sand near the water line drinking beer and they had a few dozen too many so when the tide came in and grabbed the Ford, it was all they could do to jump out - The FD stayed off the radio after that, ordering everything by cell phone...I was the only camera that showed...Later everyone flew it and got aerials when the sun came up ...



Well-known member
...did a feature on a guy with a car that has 500,000 miles on it. He used it to deliver medicine to rest homes. <everybody: "Awwwww"> It is a 1991 Pontiac 6000 station wagon. Go figure.

WarBird Dude

Well-known member
Today I..... (well now it was yesterday).....

Shot the aftermath of a plane which landed on a major highway. Just after tafeoff, at 6000 feet, a 12-passenger corporate prop plane lost its engine. The pilot tried to return to the airport but lost alitude too quickly. He looked for a field to ditch in, but there was nothing close enough. So he decided on a stretch of Indiana 933. Several cars saw the plane approahing and took evasive maneuvers.

The plane touched down and hit a utility pole with its right wing, breaking the wing in half, spilling aviation fuel all over the roadway. Three passengers and two crew exited the plane safely. Aside from a broken utility pole, a few downed power lines and the wing, there was no major damage or injuries.

I drive that area almost everyday and it's amazing to me how a major disaster did not occur today. There are power lines everywhere there and it was the grace of God that traffic was light.

You forgot one detail. This all took place during lunch time traffic, and on that stretch of road there are a ton of fast food places. When I first heard the call I thought plane vs. cars, this is going to be ugly. But there was some skill on the pilots part.


Well-known member
Today we needed video of the electric trains that run along the shore line because allegedly the ice on the wires was slowing them down.

I went to a tiny train station (a small platform with a bus stop shelter) to shoot some wires and rails and wait for a train.

A recording anounced in a pleasant voice, "Train approaching. Please stand behind the yellow line." I backed up a few feet from the line and aimed my camera way down the track. I got a nice compression shot of the train coming down the track kicking up all sorts of snow. I was planning to get shots of the wheels and windows going by, people getting off, etc. However, I realized that the train was NOT slowing down. "Uh oh..." I thought (or some thing more profane than that) "...but if I move, I'll screw up the shot!" So I followed it, zooming out as it advanced and then WAHM the wind hit me and I was in a total white out. I couldn't see a thing! It was all I could do to lean in to the tripod and focus on my sense of ballance to make sure that neither I nor (more importantly) the camera got knocked over. I thought, "Geez, how long is this train?!" as I listened to the clickety clack of the wheels on the rails. Finally it passed by and on the tape you can hear me laughing hysterically.

Now I remember why I love this job! :D

[ December 22, 2004, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: 2000lux ]