Spot news is a very unrewarding part of the job. That is unless you like having flashbacks for years about subjects to disgusting and shocking to talk about. You wanna tell war stories to a
veteran about some lousy firetruck, or a robbery?
Not very sexy.
Go to a real war....
Now is your big chance.....
Ya think being an adrenaline junky is cool, ya like gettin shot at by unfriendlies, as well as friendlies?
Go now young man, and see what being a cameraman is really all about....
Compassion for the unfortunate person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time,will temper your false bravado.
These are real people we shoot, in very compromising positions, either dead or dying. Actually I do not mind shooting dead bodies, for their souls are gone. It's the half dead ones screams of pain and agony I can never forget. Remember to remember or you will wind up in denial that bad things happen to everybody, while you scream alone in the shower with your flashbacks, about those coldblooded, nonfeeling shots of a dying person, you went for, and after 6pm ya figure you'll never have to see them again. Wrong! This is part of your soul now and forever, till death do you depart from this earth.
Flash years forward....
Somebody you never saw before gets to your accident scene, and with no regard for your condition,and calmy and cooly starts rolling on the last moments of your life. Now you finally understand how you should have done it. To late man. You are nothing but a 30 sec vo on the 5:00 show. You did not warrant a position in the 6:00. Nothing spectacular here, cept this is where your movie ends, and the viewers don't even blink, as they enjoy their supper and watch you die. The circle will remain unbroken.