Does anyone still get paid in 30 days all the time?

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Well-known member
While I would like to post my "deal memo" here for all to see, it is something that me and my attorney put some considerable thought into at some cost to me. A generic deal memo is not a document that one should cut and paste off the internet and use for your own purposes. There is also a liability factor in doing that. You can get some rough ideas by looking at some Hollywood based deal memos by just doing a google search.

Sometimes a producer will even present you with their own "deal memo" (Fox sometimes does) to protect their ownership, liability, confidentiality and exclusivity. It is up to you to be knowledgeable enough to know what you need to change or strike before you sign it.

No contract, no matter how complete, will prevent someone from ripping you off if they are hell bent on doing so. It just gives you better options if it is financially worth persuing a deadbeat client. Most of the time if the debt is less than $3-4000.00 it will cost you more in legal fees than its worth to recover.

I will say this again, it is a piece of paper that I very rarely use, or for that matter rarely need to use. I do my homework about new clients and sometimes you still get burned. Management of cash flow is a much better option.

-- as far as an outsider handing out cards to my clients on my location goes, I've always thought that was a very big no no. I'd be really ticked off too. You can bet that your client will also get a follow up phone call from someone who does that kind of thing. I've had it done to me and I know how it feels. I'd consider that very unprofessional. Nine times out of ten my clients will say "do you know this clown?". Marketing and beating the bushes for clients is one thing, that move, in my mind, crosses the line.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
First of all Focuz, I don't remember doing that. You'll have to PM or email me and remind me with specifics of the situation.

Second of all, if you've been int his business for a while, you'd know that we know just about everyone, menaing that we really have the same contact names and such. Same as we have the same conatcts as the crewing agencies. Are you saying that if we're at the Film Biz Happy Hour and I see you talking to potentail client #1, that I should not talk to them because you got there first, so I should go talk to potential client #2?

Third of all, unless you have an exclusive contract with a client, they're free to hire whom ever they choose.

Forth, I've held off on handing out my card sometimes, only to find out later that the crew that the client hired went out of business or got out of the business, or had a camera that was being repaired or was stolen or was all booked up, or maybe the client just didn't like that crew. If other people feel that it's okay to undercut me or take a referal fee for passing work to me, them I have the right to hand out my card to whom ever I choose.

Focuz, I guess if you're in the Maryland Production Guide as I am, then you're "handing out your card to people i'm working with" too.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
By the way Focuz, if you're going to be bold enough to chastize someone on a message board, at least be man enough to list your website address or email address. You provide no info about yourself or a way someone contact you. Why don't you even post your name at the bottom of your post or did your mother name you Focuz?

I bet you're one of those shooters who try to undercut other crews who stand firm on their rates or ask your audio techs to work for less because you gave your client a cut rate deal. Let me guess your motto:
"I'll do it for less, pay me anything, just help me make my next bill".

Come on Focuz, be a man and post your name don't hide behind a bullsh** name.
Not pointing a finger because as a good journalist you need to get all the facts , but who ever did the sales job for the gig is the person that I am representing that day. The phrase I use when the client or subject on a shoot has asked for my card or number is "Just tell INSERT NAME to assign me to your next shoot and I will be glad to take care of you" and I always try to have one of their cards to hand out for them. That phrase puts the original person back in the driver's seat and in control. A lot of producers are always looking for a weakness and a way to save a nickel.

If it is one of the major news networks and I am asked about shooting a local commercial that is different because they don't want any part of that so I might talk to them about it for a second but it usually goes nowhere and is more about being polite. But I did slip up recently on a CMT shoot when I thought I was working for their network and a famous singer's brother asked for my card in front of the producer and he didn't seem to care. At the end of the day everybody was jumping in cars to make a flight I was handed the producer's card to bill and found out that these guys were a production company themselves and they were creating a program for CMT.

The next day I called and explained that I had my sales hat on when I shouldn't have and if they call I will defer to the producer's company. He didn't seem as upset as I was but man, I hate breaking my own rules!

I feel that if someone else has arranged and paid for me to be in proximity of a person with a check book then it is their company that I am repping! It is like selling your own burgers out the side door of McDonald's while on the clock.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
So how bout it Focuz? How bout telling me and everyone else here who you are. After all if you're going to accuse me of something, I have the right to face my accuser.


Well-known member
Personally if someone asks for my card I give it to them. If I'm hired by a third party I don't pass it out unsolicited, but if I am asked it seems silly to me to refuse. Most third parties (that I know of anyways) are tacking an extra 50 or 100 on your rate anyways. Last time this happened (for NFL Films) I bumped my rate up 50 and it was still less than the third party was billing for me. They were dumping the service anyways, so whats the difference?


Well-known member
That is what is great about the internet. I don't have to reveal myself. If you want to call me a p#@ssy fine, I could care less.

As for your comments, you have every right to call any client you choose.

I just think it is of poor taste to walk up to a three man crew in downtown B-more and hand your card to the producer. If you want to hand your card to the crew that is a different story. I hire many cameramen and many cameramen hire me.

This is a competive business and as I said earlier I am going to run my business the way I want to.

If you don't like it, I don't care.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Well Focuz, I still don't remember the situation in question because you didn't give enough detail about what actually happened.

Focuz, I was just going through some of your other posts, and this one really caught my eye -;f=1;t=004972;p=1

Originally posted by Focuz:
When the Sniper hit on a Saturday night in Virginia I had just got back from my College Homecoming. Let just say I was not in good shape. Inside Edition calls and tells me to pick up the reporter and get to the scene ASAP. I called my partner and it turns out he is just as hammered as I am. To make a long story short we go to pick up the reporter and we both try to act as sober as we can. The reporter gets into the car and says "I don't know about you guys, but I'm hammered. Lets just say it was an interesting 2 hour drive.
So let me get this get a call and while you and your audio guy are DRUNK, you DRIVE to pick up the producer "trying to act sober" and go to the shoot. Now as you say, the reporter was drunk, but the reporter wasn't the one driving and they are your boss. It doesn't matter if the boss is drunk or not. You and your partner however, are another matter.

What could you have done instead? How bout calling another someone else to shoot with your gear (I don't mean me) and another person to fill in for the audio tech? Driving the client around while drunk and being drunk on the job isn't what I'd call very professional. You're lucky you didn't kill or injure the producer during your drunk driving, imagine how that could effect your business. Do you call this good client relations? If so, it's a good thing I handed out my card to the producer maybe I should have done it more often. I wonder how many times I've seen you around, were you drunk then too? Maybe you need to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Are you smoking crack too? Focuz, you're a pathetic (and druink) loser who doesn't deserve clients!

Hiding Under Here

Well-known member
Couldn't you guys just get a hotel room and work this out? I'll be the first to admit that this board has been sleeping lately. It could use some higher octane entertainment. But personal grudge matches really aren't the type of things that fly here. Take this stuff somewhere else. Please.


Well-known member
Okay Warren, this was a very particular situation. I spent an hour trying to find someone to work, but it was Saturday night and no one was around.

I went to work because that is what I do. If a shoot comes in I take it. Where do come off with your self rightoues attitude. Who appointed you the almighty judge.

The client didn't care if I had been drinking, they didn't care if I couldn't find someone else, they wanted a crew at the scene asap. Am I going to say it was the smartest thing I've ever done, NO, it was probably the dumbest thing I've ever done. It was a one time thing. That client hired me everyday for the entire month, I had to take care of them.

Concerning the rest of your comments, as I said earlier, I could care less what you think of me. I have yet to make an unprofessional comment to you, but I guess that is just the type of person you are.

Replying to thomas too, I agree with him. Lets bag this grudge match.

Good luck in your future business and if I see you on the street I'll come up and introduce myself. I'll probably laugh about it.

Hiding Under Here

Well-known member
Now that's a great response.

It seems as though there is a new crop of freelancers who have discovered this board. There are about two dozen of us regulars who used to keep things pretty busy here. The activity would ebb and flow but when a volatile subject came up we'd jump on it like dogs on meat.

After a while, most of the things that could get hashed out in this type of venue got dealt with. Except for the tremendous donnybrooks over mini-DV cameras with good ole Mike, the board has been fallow for a while.

It's nice to see new names posting and new subjects get discussed. I think the business card discussion was very legit. I also thik the complaint about 30 days was legit but that Baltimore Shooter is making assessments about the nature of this business that will harm his efforts to succeed more than they will help.

I'd like to see Ivan contribute something about the new SONY disc cameras. I think they are the 530s. Those are very interesting developments that will definitely have an impact on our business.

The bottom line with the freelance board is that we can't really get into what they do over at the local shooters boards. What are we going to do...have a thread about what we did today? I enjoy reading the one over at the local board but here that would seem kind of trite and competitive. Not to mention dangerous due to the nature of the stories we shoot.

Anyway...nice to see new people. Keep stoking the fires. Thanks for the respect on the personal stuff. The decent, honest response tells me all I need to know about you Focuz: we'd understand each other in the field and probably get along fine.


Well I was going to post the new Barney the White House Dog video but this is better.
Originally posted by thomas, too: I'd like to see Ivan contribute something about the new SONY disc cameras. I think they are the 530s. Those are very interesting developments that will definitely have an impact on our business
Feb. 10, 2004
Sony Announces Interoperability Between XDCAM Professional Disc System & Avid Non-linear Editing Solutions

Say hello to the open world of MXF. You just wait until NAB 2004 and all the MXF related products from MOST of the manufactures.

I hope Dino won't get mad about these silly press releases I keep posting.

Have a look at the new Fujinon ENG EFP HD lens the company is bragging about. Oh, here it is Yum Yum, I love gear related toys.

What I really enjoyed is the "FAST PAYING CLIENTS" post by Nino. The man has class. After I gather my thoughts, I may even reply over there.

Hey Thomas, is it still minus 200 degrees in Boston???? :D


Well-known member

You're like the Ward Cleaver of this web site.

Geez dad! You always know just how to make us behave.

The last thing we need around here is another "Eddie" getting out of control.

Trivia quiz: What did Ward Cleaver do for a living anyway??

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Now I dig up some dirt on you and you wanna make all nice and $hit. "Oh, let's be friends, can't we all just get along". Well listen, bub, maybe next time you want to flame someone, you'll think twiceand check the facts first and get both sides of the story.

Why haven't you even been man enough to tell everyone who you are? I've provided a link to my website. I've emailed people through here, yet you hide under cover of B-roll and won't even tell people your name. And you think we'll laugh and have a drink together??? You'll be lucky if I don't knock your teeth out when I drop your ass on the ground. People like you shouldn't even be working in this business, you fu**ing loser.

Hiding Under Here

Well-known member

I go diggin' up all that dirt on you and there you go posting something nice (I think) about me. Look you schmuck, next time you add a helpful link to a product that might interest me or send me a "heads up" e-mail that alerts me to some potenntial problem, or answer a question that has been nagging me, I hope you'll think twice about it because that's exactly the kind of elephant-tied-to-a-tree behavior that ticks people off around here. It's guys like you that have ruined this business for the rest of us -- you know, with that professional attitude and a willingness to own the proper equipment package and run your business in a manner people resepct.

I'm on to your game, buddy. Don't think I don't know what it is you're up to. I've got my eyes on you.


Well-known member

Relax! Life is way to short to be concerning yourself with me.

This is my last response to this!


When I see you I'll be sure to duck.


Well-known member
Why don't we all meet at NAB, we can rent the arena at Caesar's and duke it out. Last man standing with a camera on his shoulder wins. That will prove beyond any doubt who's the best shooter in the land. Imagine the work the winner could get with that on his resume'. A client was just asking me the other day if I could beat the crap out of another shooter I was bidding against.
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