Craigslist Flag Thread

I wonder what kind of fetish videos these would be that would only pay 100....wait do i really wanna know?

Hey for a 100 bucks you get to find out, and you get to eat for FREE!!! Eating what off of whom or what is the question probably... eeeewwww. Maybe I'm closed minded for the price, hehe.
I think I'm on a mission!

Am I over zealous for posting every one of these I find? I suppose I am, but it really urks me to think people believe our talent and time and gear is worthless. Sure, I do free things for my church, but at least they offer to pay me and don't beg from strangers... I mean professionals who work Hard. They should be fiscally responsible. Non-profit or not, that doesn't mean others should bend over backwards for them. I have shot plenty of stuff for non-profits and they actually pay what I negotiate. I think they get for what they pay. Heck, if you want you can view them on b-roll tv
No I don't think my stuff is all that, but... Okay I'm done. Please kill below!!!
Need carmera work

Reply to:
Date: 2007-07-09, 1:00AM EDT

Camera crew needed for nonprofit music event.

We are having a all women event in August. It requires a female crew from sound, lightin and camera. If you would be interested in helping us get this on film, get in touch. We will have two music stages going from noon to 11PM.

We want to put this together as a great short film.

  • Location: Cincinnati
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: no pay
I flagged them for not being able to spell camera.

I have no problem for flagging people who expect others to work for free. It would be crazy to post an add asking for people to mow your lawn for no pay.

"Hey, I need gall bladder pay. But I'll put in a good word about you to others who need an operation."

"My house needs pay, but lunch will be provided."

Screw 'em. Flag away!

Todio, I hate to say do you need a hug? That really sounded pitiful

LOL!! No, I get all the hugs I need from my teddy bear! :D :D

...and my wife, who'se reading this over my shoulder...

look who's recruiting on CL

Looks like CL hiring is taking on a whole new clientele..

WGCL-TV, the Meredith owned CBS affiliate in Atlanta, Georgia is looking for a seasoned Writer/Producer. If you're looking to move into a Top 10 market, send your resume and demo DVD to CBS 46, now. Be a part of a team that does it all for this growing station. You'll write/produce daily news teases, image promotion, special reports, POP's, etc. The successful candidate must have a passion for news promotion and understand how to follow research. Non-linear editing and shooting experience is a big plus.

Send Resume To:
Attn: Human Resources
425 14th St. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Film for video? Beer? How can I resist?

Poor Band needs help filming music video....(This Friday the 13th)

Reply to:
Date: 2007-07-09, 11:19PM CDT

Want to help film a music video?

This Friday, July 13th, The Will Knaak Trio will be recording a live CD and Music Video at the Saxon Pub. The band will play from 9:00 to 10:00pm. Vallejo will follow.

The Video: We will have a couple of cameras going, but we want you to help film our next video. If you have a video camera that records on MiniDV cassettes (the latest digital standard), and would like to help shoot it, then let us know.
In return we will put you on the guest list, give you film for your camera to record our show with, and buy you a pitcher of beer. Sound good? Then reply with your phone number and I'll contact you to make arrangements.…

(We’re poor musicians, otherwise we’d pay you : ) Barter for Beer and Admission only....

for more info on the band visit,

Location: Austin
Compensation: Beer, admission to show, credits...
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Todio this is for you =]

Reply to:
Date: 2007-07-09, 6:29PM CDT

Seeking location sound mixer with experience for 2 days shoot on July 12-13. May lead to future projects.

Location: austin
Compensation: $100/day
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Wow! That Vegas gig is sad. We should reply offering to do it for that. Start a bidding war for $50/day. That could be fun.

"You want a dolly and track with that?"

"I have a jib I can bring."

"I have two HD rigs and a couple of Grips with nothing to do on those dates. Interested?"
"The project is a poker documentary and we will be shooting players participating in the World Series of Poker. The nature of the shoot will involve no more than 6 hours a day."

I'm sure it'll be less,cause ESPN paid a lot for the rights to ALL video..but I'm sure they'll be happy to let Mr $50 in to shoot his HD documentary.
Considering the WSOP started Friday,he's a little off schedule at that.
I already have a decent resume

Need experienced Film Makers for Web content

Reply to:
Date: 2007-06-28, 8:32PM CDT

This is not a paid gig this is more of a resume piece, however if you stick with me I do promise compensation when the site gets together.

The web-site has been mentioned before but little response has been taking as apparantly everybody is looking for paid work. This however can be done anytime and compensation will take place when sponsors will see notice in a good web-site .

So email me today with what you can provide . I look for many things such as .

- News on the latest indie film developments .
- Tutorials on film making magic .
- Behind the scenes looks at major motion films or indie.
- Moderators for the forums .
- Short films !

Trust me as I keep my word, email me today if you are interested in contributing . I am looking for people who are willing to help whenever they can , and I will do the same when sponsors take notice .

Compensation: negotiable when help is provided
This is a part-time job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Quote from above Craigslist ad......

"but little response has been taking as apparantly everybody is looking for paid work. "

This is almost too funny. Can you believe people actually want to get paid for working? Nice spelling and use of the English lanquage as well.
PA is one thing...but a shooter?...He seems legit but something isnt right...

PA/Shooter needed for SATURDAY

Reply to:
Date: 2007-07-12, 1:40PM CDT

I am looking for a PA for saturday night at the Melrose Hotel in downtown Dallas. I am shooting a wedding for my sister but need an extra hand with my equipment and possibly shooting second camera on occasion. I will be shooting SDX900 with steadicam. PA should be very familiar with high end gear including the Panasonic SDX900, as well as the HD100U. Steadicam assist expereince a plus but not mandatory. Must wear black cargo pants and black polo shirt. Well groomed and professional. Hours will be roughly 5p-12a. Rate is $125 but may vary slightly with expereince. Please visit for more information about the shooter, me.

Location: Dallas
Compensation: 125
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 372322428
So let me get this straight...

Videographer needed!

Reply to:
Date: 2007-07-13, 3:58PM CDT

VideoQuest (office at Houston, Texas) looking for Videographer with Mini DV Camcorder must have 16:9 mode (Widescreen mode) to film Street Signs, 360 view and Business' names in each corner of the Intersections. We pay by tape (each tape 60 minutes) for $115. If interest please e-mail with your contact number or call (281)933-2300 Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm.

Location: Dallas, Austin, San Antonio
Compensation: Pay by tape
This is a contract job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Phone calls about this job are ok.
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.