NAB 2010 VIDEO - & the Future


Well-known member
Here's the first of several videos "Team Lenslinger" is producing for B-Roll.Net.

In this one Stewart "Lenslinger" Pittman talkes to Kevin Johnson, Les Rose, Latin Lens, Al Tompkins and Peggy Phillip about this website and it's future as it relates to the future of broadcast news and the VJ.


(Please excuse the floating white balance from our cheesy camera...we never could figure out how to lock it....ugh!)


Well-known member
Here's a slightly different version with more in-depth answers from Kevin and Peggy about the future of Broadcast News.



Staff member
You guys rock! Except for that dorky guy at the beginning of the piece, those were well respected people with great things to say...

Thanks for putting those together.


Latin Lens

Well-known member
It's weird hearing and seeing myself on camera...but thanks for that oppurtunity TeamSlinger...appreciate it.


Great stuff, Lenslinger and Weaver! Who was the big dude with the still camera that walked around in your shots?


Active member
You guys go ahead and keep padding each other on the backs but…

Does anyone wonder why the people involved in team-lenslinger’s cute videos were the only ones posting into this thread?

Seems like in lenslinger’s interview Kevin is claiming that the youngsters coming here for tips on learning OMB are the ones in risk of getting attacked and driven away from his b-roll board. I remember many vets that used to post here and many more vets that came here only to read. A large number have left this place because snotty wet behind the ears no-it-alls would disregard everything the vets would try and teach them here. The “new era of photogs” would make rude comments claming that we’re all dinosaurs past our prime and that the new age video cams would do everything automatically for them –achieving better quality, without needing lighting skills or proper sound usage. Anyone remember the snot nosed “ADAPT OR DIE” remarks pointed at the seasoned vets pushing for proper video experience/education and advocating the use of broadcast grade tools?

Watching Les Rose speak in team lenslinger’s video, I had to wonder how much Les is holding back in that interview. Les Rose, a man every photographer should respect and admirer and could learn from, young and old. It’s great to plug and take the interview in that direction but man, what a blown opportunity to ask Les about his thoughts of the direction the youngsters should go. Why not give Les a fair chance to explain why he believes the majority of crews will remain as traditional crews.

Nino was the latest casualty here. Although Nino and I had some disagreements, I recognize that Nino is one of the most valuable members ever to step foot in here. Now he too is gone and I can’t help but wonder how many posters and lurkers followed him out of here.

Funny, “Team Lenslinger” are preaching that OMB is the direction of the biz, yet at NAB Team Lenslinger had a multi-men-crew. Vets working as a team yet a product full of major holes, which made the final product look very amateurish. I don’t know if the wondering camera was meant to look funny but I wasn’t laughing. What’s with the jump cuts guys? Is that what you’re trying to teach as quality methods now? Preaching OMB with toy equipment yet even a crew of multi vets can’t “white balance” that silly toy? A crew of vets yet the sound level of reporter and the sound level of a certain interviewee is off by so many decibels that even my dog had to chuckle.

Truly a case of “I practice what I preach” or “I can’t professionally work with this toy gear” So which is it? Let’s let the youngsters know the truth here and now.

All I can say is that I’m glad those interviews were loaded, and one sided towards one man banding and not biased towards traditional crew and gear use. Cause sometimes, well usually, the end product speaks for itself.

You guys go ahead and keep padding each other on the backs. But don’t be surprised when you’re the only ones left to preach to. Well you and the rude kids that are going to starve because they surely wouldn’t know what to do with a manual camera. Just hand them the toy gear that team lenslinger used and preach that the colour and sound levels are OK. Really, it’s auto so it must be OK. Experienced vets ran the gear so it must be OK.

The problem is or not problem but the way the truth is the future photographer that is in college right now is training to be a one-man band.

That is the future of the industry. That is were its going as much as we hate it don’t want to see that happen.

Unfortunately is losing the ability to help those kids because they go on and all they hear is one man bands suck

Kevin Johnson
Sorry If I sound harsh but ther's more than one side to every story.


Well-known member
Let the fake outrage flow...

We went to Vegas to blow off some steam, see old friends and shoot a few goofy videos. Mission Accomplished. While I'm glad you consumed said coverage, at no time have I tried to sell you anything, win your vote or claim to speak for the mighty B-Roll nation. I did however manage to soak up more than my share of free liquor, which like I said, was sort of the point of our whole voyage. But on to your concerns...

Les Rose IS a man to be admired. While he's probably not thrilled with the prospect of more an more VJ's, he's confident enough in his own abilities not to let it haunt him. He chatted with us on camera (and off) about a lot of things. While we included some of his remarks, there is a lot more we can (and will) share in a separate video. I just worry one more substandard dispatch from my merry band of revelers might trigger apoplexy among the minority of b-rollers still on the lookout for something to be pissed of about.

But I'll work on it - and let Les speak for himself - which he does handily.

As for the quality, tone and direction of the videos we produced, you can shred at will. We were on vacation, slightly hungover and having a ball. Should you insist on picking them apart, there's no doubt plenty wrong there for you to feast on. I would offer up examples of our daily paid-for work, but since that would only exaggerate your rancor, I won't bother. Check out my blog (shameless plug in 3, 2, 1...) for links to the kind of news stories I foist on the public daily. Or don't. I'll continue sleeping fine knowing I don't have your support.

One of the few aims we had for our videos was to show other photogs what NAB and the B-Roll Bash was like. Other than that, we were out to entertain ourselves. Again, Mission Accomplished. While I've never championed the rise of the VJ model, I've done my best to examine this inexorable tide. I believe it beats burying one's head in the sand. That said, I really couldn't give one fickle sh!t what others might think - though I'm always happy to hear from those open-minded enough to discuss trends in our business without trading spittle.

Google me, Ivan. Read up on just what i've written. You'll find my only goal is to foster discussion, share a few bad jokes and feed my writing compulsion. At no time have I requested a self addressed self stamped envelope or anything else for that matter. You're free to run the other way whenever you see my name (Stewart "Not a VJ" Pittman) and know that I'll think of you even less often. As for Nino, I would have gladly chatted with him on camera or off (I did just that at the 2008 B-Roll Bash) provided he didn't let his ire erupt into fisticuffs. But Nino. Did. Not. Show. Still our freelancing friend has mad skills and should be invited to enrich any conversation. He'd rather claim the world is flat however and blame me for the curved horizon. Whatever. I'll let others decide who's contributed more to the ongoing dialogue that is this wonderful site. Thanks for watching, Ivan. Come to vegas in 2012 and we might let you hold the camera - if of course that wouldn't destroy everything you've worked so hard to establish.

Meanwhile, brush up on the venacular. It's 'patting' each other on the back, not 'padding'. Some eye for quality.

Chicago Dog

Well-known member
Funny, “Team Lenslinger” are preaching that OMB is the direction of the biz, yet at NAB Team Lenslinger had a multi-men-crew. Vets working as a team yet a product full of major holes, which made the final product look very amateurish. I don’t know if the wondering camera was meant to look funny but I wasn’t laughing. What’s with the jump cuts guys? Is that what you’re trying to teach as quality methods now? Preaching OMB with toy equipment yet even a crew of multi vets can’t “white balance” that silly toy? A crew of vets yet the sound level of reporter and the sound level of a certain interviewee is off by so many decibels that even my dog had to chuckle.
I gotta agree. Aside from the bad white balance, the framing and focus added to the distraction. Sorry, but as EFP pointed out, we're supposed to be professionals.

I understand these videos were meant to create discussion and insight, but this is real shoot-yourself-in-the-foot kind of stuff. The lacking quality of these videos give ammunition to unscrupulous consultants who want to convince management that there's no difference between inexperienced hacks and those who supposedly take their craft to heart.

By the way, KSHB is in fourth place in its market; further proof that stations that have nothing to lose are using the OMB/VJ system.

Meanwhile, brush up on the venacular. It's 'patting' each other on the back, not 'padding'. Some eye for quality.
Check the ego. You can't post a video here and not expect it to be critiqued.

For someone who tries to portray himself as a level-headed mediator, you certainly have a hard time accepting any kind of criticism. I don't think I've seen anyone critical of something you've done not receive some sort of parting shot from you in one form or another. I find your spoken-word personality asking for "more civility" on the totally opposite end of your communication spectrum from the way you textually represent yourself on this forum.

While I've never championed the rise of the VJ model, I've done my best to examine this inexorable tide. I believe it beats burying one's head in the sand. That said, I really couldn't give one fickle sh!t what others might think - though I'm always happy to hear from those open-minded enough to discuss trends in our business without trading spittle.
Must've missed those posts. Can you point me towards any of them?

You're obviously a very intelligent man. I'll readily admit that. Unfortunately, I can't figure out why you don't realize how hypocritical you're being.

When someone criticizes the quality level of a OMB/VJ, you immediately hop on the defensive as if they're attacking you personally. For whatever reason, you see nothing wrong with criticizing photojournalists who are against the OMB thing. When someone puts up any kind of fuss (similar to what you do), you hold out your arms, shrug your shoulders, and just can't seem to figure out what the big deal is.

Give the thesaurus a rest, climb down off the position on your self-appointed pillar, and join us in the trenches instead of offering up your usual dish of thinly-veiled holier-than-thou tripe.
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Well-known member
Last time I checked, Michael Rosenblum was the self appointed apostle of all things VJ. I'm but a lowly staffer at a medium market shop whose opinion has earned him the ire of a shadowy cabal of message board posters. (Wonder if that'll fit on a business card?)

You call our videos one-sided. Fair enough. While in Vegas we found ourselves chatting with some very smart people and interviewed a few of them. An obvious subject: solo-newsgathering. Remember, I neither invented or endorsed this suddenly new method, but have merely sought to educate myself and others about the trend. To that end we chatted with network bad-ass Les Rose, Poynter's Al Tompkins, the tatted yet dapper Latin Lens and a few others. At no time did I put words in their mouths or motion them to cue cards.

You don't need me to champion (or deter) the rise of one man crews. Economics and technology are making them all the more probable at a shop near you. As one who works by himself anyway, it really has little effect on me. Still, while sharing air with others far smarter than I, the subject came up. If what others say angers you, shoot not the messenger.

As for being defensive, read into it what you will. When receiving a broadside, I tend to fire back. All too often others here have been bullied into keeping their opinions to themselves. That ain't me. What does concern me is arguing on-line too much. It's like masturbating too much and being weirdly proud of it. Chicago, we have traded seemingly civil exchanges before and I've yet to be too offended by anything you've said. Why my 'attitude' threatens you and others is a mystery, but I can tellk you this. I'm proud of the TV I make, fond of the sound of my own keyboard and haven't cracked a thesarus in many a moon. Everything else: Guilty as charged.

Chicago Dog

Well-known member
Honestly, I've never really had a problem with you, but damn if you don't push my buttons from time-to-time (not that I don't do the same).

I think there's two very simple explanations:

1. I'm taking your responses incorrectly and, as a result, inadvertently jumping on the defensive without even really realizing it, or...

2. You're spending so much time putting together thoughts on a craft you obviously feel very passionate about that you don't realize how they may be taken. That's not a bad thing, per se: God knows how many times I've written something up with good intentions, but ended up offending someone because I put far too much thought into portions without rereading it as a whole.

All I'm trying to get across here is that EFP has some very good points. His example with Nino was spot-on. While I'm a friend of Nino, I'll admit that he sometimes emanates a little too much ego every once in a while. If you can see past that, he actually offers up some very valuable insight. His experience spans a number of decades. How many members here can claim the same?

I agree with the call-for-civility you issued in that previous video. I'd like to think Nino could come back and find the forum filled with less drama. I registered under a different name on around the same time I joined the NPPA. Since then, I let my NPPA membership lapse, but continued visiting this site. I think that speaks volumes.

I'm certainly no angel, but it's disheartening to see worthwhile threads suddenly turn into an Old West-style barroom brawl when we should be shootin' empty cans off a cattle enclosure fence with Winchesters.

That said, I'd gladly edit out the rant directed at you if we can both agree to move on.


Active member
No Speed Graphic, this is not my board.
No it’s not all right to trash newbies for asking questions. Everyone, all the vets should encourage newbie questions. In the past, newbies used to come here to learn. Many vets would gladly jump in and try to offer a solution. In fact there would be so many folks trying to offer a solution that clashes would erupt among the experienced. So what? That’s great – there may be more than one solution to a specific problem.

You have to try and understand Speed Graphic - Some people take great pride in their decades of hard work. When someone comes on a professional board and starts posting stupidity, than strictly for the sake of trying to preserve one’s own pride of the craft, some people may call that stupidity out.

Imagine if someone working at a fast food outlet flipping burgers came on a chef’s site and posted stupidity. Do you think any of the chefs would call his/her stupidity out? On the other hand if a newbie came and asked how he can improve his her cooking skills I bet many chefs would be glad to help.

One man banding isn’t all that new and OMB is not going away. What has changed recently is the level of professionalism of one man banding. The blame lies with the bean counters cutting corners and wages so much that they start attracting the kind of people whom themselves will start cutting corners to the point of stupidity. That’s what I see happening.

I may be one of those wet behind the ears little twenty-something year olds, but I will freely admit I don't know everything, but am willing to learn. But you've finally stated what seems to be an implied message here, this is an old timers only bit*ch board, and even my type are not welcome. Don't worry, I even already left your Pro playground.
I’m sorry that that’s the way you perceived my post. I have never witnessed any of the regulars discouraging anyone of “ask and learn” over here. On the other hand discouraging stupidity should be allowed. You ask what stupidity is? How about putting a camera / tripod on top of chairs because you or your employer are too cheap and or inexperienced to get the proper tools. You’d not only act as a hack thus disgracing the profession but you also put others in danger. I see examples of such things on this board more often then not. That’s one reason I may state “Don’t walk but run away as quick as you can from a station / company that’s fully converted to VJ” I feel that newcomers should learn the right way – from a station / company that believes in safety, proper equipment and proper staffing. I’m not saying that you’ll start as a feature cameraman, you may start as the overnight VJ but you’ll start were you will be taught and be able to move up.

It is clear to me that Team Lenslinger, you and Kevin’s quote are leading this board in a new direction. Cool, it’s Kevin’s board and I don’t post that much anymore. I say again ---

“You guys go ahead and keep padding each other on the backs. But don’t be surprised when you’re the only ones left to preach to. Well you and the rude kids that are going to starve because they surely wouldn’t know what to do with a manual camera.”


Staff member
I'll explain my own comments in another post, but I wanted to quickly say that Team Lenslinger KICKED ASS in Vegas.

I, for one am extremely appreciative of the work they did on their own dime and on their own time.

I have done the NAB shoot a number of times with little baby cams and it's grueling work. I can't imagine trying it with a real camera set-up for absolutely NO COMPENSATION. (yes, Stewart and Team Lenslinger got free beer at the BASH, but they would have - even if they hadn't shot video.)

Also, Chris Weaver worked it butt off to get the videos online ASAP - so YOU, the b-roll viewers, could see the results as soon as possible. That involved lugging his personal laptop around the floor for hours and forgoing lunch for a chance to edit.

Again - this is all on their vacation!

How badly would the following Craigslist ad be torn to shreds (rightfully so) if posted on this site?

"I'm looking for a crew of photographers to shoot videos at a convention covering 800,000 square feet. You must supply your own equipment and carry it all on your back - no carts allowed. The finished videos must be edited and posted within hours of shooting it. We can not pay you, but this will be a great opportunity for exposure and you'll have some professional work for your reel."

I think all the TEAM deserves a good "pad" [sic] on the back!


Well-known member
Thanks Kevin!

And Ivan, you're welcome to join us next time and shoot it for us.

As Kevin mentioned this shoot was on our dime. That meant we brought whatever camera we could borrow. That happened to be Adam's JVC HD Handy cam.

I'm not making excuses - sort of - but I could never find a way to lock that white balance in and it frustrated me as much as it did you Ivan.

And as for focus...pretty much the way to do it manually.

And for goodness sake that little bitty camera is a b!tch to hold steady....especially half hungover.

Edit wise - I pushed through these things fast and furious and tried to make them tell the story even without the polished professional look we're used to.

My point is...thank you Ivan for helping us realize this.....using a baby cam is HARD! There's no easy way to do the things we like to do every day.

Imagine, if true professionals can't make a babycam look good what a newbie right out of college might produce.

Also, make sure you watch all of the videos because there's more lenghty answers from several industry leaders about the future of one man bands versus traditional crews.

(I've been rushed in writing this...excuse me while I go work now)

punky cameraman

Well-known member
I for one would like to thank Team Lenslinger


I could not go to NAB so i enjoyed any coverage from real photogs i could get,
and these guys are as real as the guys i shoot next to everyday.

About the quality of the videos .. and the criticism .....
Really? Criticizing these guys is about as rude as telling someone they look fat
when everyone knows their fat ...... its a roadtrip video with fisherprice gear
I have checked out clips of many of the Lenslinger Team ....
they earn a check everyday shooting solid TV news.

again, thanks guys, and you too Kevin for providing this sandbox.

Now about the future of
I think the Pro section is a bad idea.
why? google

If you are a smart staff photog, you would not post on a board like this if the
subject is even close to controversial.
Every news director out there is searching everyday to see if any of his/her
people are "not on the bus"
I have noticed that most of the Pro users are freelance, chiefs or don't work in
the US. In the video above it was mentioned that Turdpolisher has been talked
to, sad but a reality that most of us would rather avoid.

Thanks Kevin for allowing us to have a place where we can use aliases.

The power of this board is a good vigorous discussion.
Including VJ. Even when the flames are flying calm voices are heard with many
good ideas and perspectives.
Everyone on here is at a different place in their career, and most will, at some point, be embarrassed by things they posted years ago .... even Nino.

and finally the future of

Ask this when you post and read others posts.


I give and take information. I have nothing to gain financially. I am a

Many here are selling things ..... like MR.
Every freelancer here is fishing .... check their posts you see their free ads.
Nino started here selling a website. We have learned much from his free posts but he
is a businessman and he is selling.

Do i need to go on? Are you a good citizen here or are you working an angle?
Team Lenslinger, these boys are citizens ..... leave them alone.



Active member
Nothing personal Chris – just an editorial difference in opinion.

Hey Chris, you’re a good sport. I don’t sense any hard feelings at all. I sense confidence in you.

Your team made an editorial choice, in content and in technical quality - posted the contents here for the world to see. I happened to disagree with your (as in team-lenslinger) editorial choice. Why is Stuart so surprised?

Thanks for helping me prove what I’ve been saying all these years at b-roll. Consumer cams are meant for consumer use. Professionals on real bread and butter jobs need to use good quality manual cameras otherwise you risk the video having a very amateurish look to it. Since no one in your editorial pointed that out, I did. The only reason I brought it up in the first place is because I (and many others whom chose to remain silent) sensed a very loaded and biased feel to the interviews.

I didn’t respond to Lenslinger’s “masturbating” outburst because this post (Last edited by Chicago Dog; 04-27-2010 at 11:02 PM.) stated all that was needed to be said.

As for the invite to N.A.B. I’d love to meet you. But if I ever do come and meet you – keep the toy cameras away from me. As the Dawg from Illinois pointed out – “The lacking quality of these videos give ammunition to unscrupulous consultants who want to convince management that there's no difference between inexperienced hacks and those who supposedly take their craft to heart.” Are you still shooting XDCam at work? If so, bring that and maybe I’ll shoot the videos for you. Not hung over though!

Also, make sure you watch all of the videos because there's more lenghty answers from several industry leaders about the future of one man bands versus traditional crews.
Hope your future editorial will be more fair and balanced.
Chris, I made my initial post because in many people’s opinion the videos were very biased in favour of don’t attack the VJs but feel free to attack the traditional way. In many peoples minds Kevin’s quote sealed that opinion.
I’m also convinced that some people on this board (just as in real life) are becoming very biased either for cutting corners -VJs or for traditional crews. That’s OK, you and I both live in free countries however if you make a biased editorial in favour of one side – tell lenslinger not to be too surprised when some one comes on here and tries to explain the “other” side of the story.

Another guy (besides Nino) I had strong disagreements with.
But on this post coming from the “heart”, I fully back him up. I encourage Lenslinger, Kevin and everyone else to read that above post and this post and then decide if those words come from the heart. Read that whole thread and decide if it really seems that only the vets are attacking the VJ supporters. And if the VJ supporters really give a sh!t about us…


Well-known member

I appreciate that you're taking a look at the videos and critiquing our effort. I have no problem with that and neither does Lenslinger.

I still think you may be mis-interpreting our editiorial decision a tad, but that may have more to do with the fact that it's in 3 different videos.

I can't speak directly for Stewart but I think if you watch the "B-Roll vs the VJ" video you'll notice that Al, Les, Ozkar and Kevin talked about a certain ratio of VJs versus traditional crews. I think that's a fair assessment. We certainly aren't the bosses - YET. lol.


In the next video with Kevin and Peggy Phillips there was more talk strictly about VJs and being nice on the message board to new young people.

And honestly I liked the disscussion from Peggy(in both the previouse and following video) about how traditional photogs will be better off IF the business swings more toward the VJ model.


Regarding the use of the babycam. In hindsight I still like the thought of our crappy look sending the message that even pros like us have trouble making a good look.

I will tell you...we already have a plan in place for our next trip....we will have better cameras and wireless mics. There, I said it.

Even So - I thought this video - mostly about 3D and all the gimmicky stuff - was funny....even if I do say so myself.


But I especially liked the point you made about the 4 of us working to make the video while talking extensively about VJs. I can honestly say...1 of us alone would not have been able to pull it off.

Again, thanks for your constructive criticism....but don't feel like we're advocating the VJ system. We're sharing the message of the pros we talked to, working with what we have and working within the system our bosses prescribe.

(for me it was the following story today - 90 mile round trip - solo.),0,4917201.story


Well-known member
What Chris said, Ivan - minus the niceties. You're trying to paint me as VJ supporter. It's not that simple. I'm a veteran staffer who's found a way to survive in a changing market by using an age-old photog-centric approach to solo-newsgathering. I encourage newer shooters to do the same and, flippant flourishes aside, don't quite get why it angers you so. I'm interested in hearing from all parties on the future of TV News, but come at me with fangs bared and you can expect the same in return.