Help Us Clean Up The Creek


Well-known member

Well, I'll start with what I thought obvious... where were your sticks? There was a lot of video that would have looked better, if it were, somehow, steadier.

I liked the fact that you shot a few cutaways. That helped out quite a bit.

I know you didn't write it but, as an outsider, I have no idea what that lady in the car was talking about? 24 what? That kinda threw me for a loop...

The stand up may have been better served by having her do something and by you shooting it in a few different parts, i.e., picking stuff up out of the creek... (1) tight shot of hand picking up debris... (2) wide shot of her talking and motioning toward dropping the debris, (3) followed by a tight shot of the debris landing. That's the simple version. You certainly could include a few more shots, but you get the picture. This is an example of a multi-shot standup.

All-in-all, I thought you conveyed a pretty good story, but it was not resume material. However, it does show that you have great potential! Keep at it!

David R. Busse

Well-known member
Good story despite the reporters efforts to the contrary...

I learned how to pronounce Rensselaer. Finally!

Gosh that reporter needs to work on her delivery. Too fast, too monotone, and about as convincing as the radio guy who delivers the commodities report on farm radio stations. And about burying the lede visually! But that's her problem...thank God you were able to break up her staccato monolog with some natural sound breaks.

Your mission was to shoot action sequences when you had some terrific opportunities for matched action and natural sound in the creek cleanup stuff. You made the effort and that's a good thing. I think you need to work on shooting and building (in the editing process) action sequences. Tripod? If you wanted to shoot it all from the bank, then a tripod on all shots would have been nice. I would rather you stay wide, move close, get your feet wet and clothes muddy and get up close and personal with all that stuff in the creek. Think action sequences and closups! Plenty of wide closeups! Do that and I guarantee you'll also come back with some great natural sound that you never expected! If I were your boss, I'd be suspicious if you came back from this story with clean clothes.

Finally, keep in mind that every story needs a logical opening, middle and close. I have no idea what the closing shot was nor what it was supposed to convey. Life goes on? No cars were damaged in the cleanup? Other cities are planning similar cleanups? That's your job as a photographer. She wanted to do a bridge--fine, I love 'em. Find the closing shot!

Go get 'em next time. Tell the reporter to slow down and tell a story. (Hint: does she sit when she reads her track? Make her stand next time). You're gettin' there...


Well-known member
Gotta get those sticks out of the news vehicle. Needed some wide establishing shots of people cleaning the creek and some other creative steady shots on sticks. SOT with the woman in the car made no sense at all. 20 what???


Active member
You do alot of what i do, the shakes. I'm not talking about the off the shoulder shakes. It seemed like you bumped the tripod alot when you were on the sticks. I felt that you were off the sticks far to much. I would have liked seeing some of those shots from a distance through some brush of them cleaning stuff up. Keeping the subjects out of focus or the objects around them out of focus. It seems like a story were nats sang use me, use me. I probably would have loaded the piece with them personally even if the reporter didn't like them. It was a very watchable m.o.s. type story but if you could have slowed down and use sticks I feel it would be a very visual story compelling story. I don't know how the news is in NY the style might just be that way up there. Another thing is when people are cleaning up try to get tights of faces and hands or feet walking though the water. O ya and invest in rain boots so you can get down there too. maybe have some for your reporters. I know it seems like alot of nit picking but when people do that to my stories I learn alot on what to think about when I'm doing the next story. Keep it up man your doing a good job. Post more we all learn from it!!!!
Thanks Everybody

Hey Guys, Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to look my stuff over, Its always good to get a fresh perspective on things and the feedback from you guys was all great, I will post something again sometime when I get a chance.

Latin Lens

Well-known member
Okay....this is a story you needed to get dirty for....but you didn't....why? You could have gotten a bunch of better shots if you had gone down into the creek with those people. You can't be afraid to get dirty every once in awhile. Besides it shows you're willing to do what it takes to get the job done....go the extra mile.

Shoot sequences and your pacing will get better and the reporter will have more to write win for everybody. I prefer my nats be shot upclose or on tight shots if applicable....look for that as'll make a differance, trust me.