David R. Busse
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  • Hey David thanks for commenting on the piece I did about Rattlesnake. Also I would like to tell you that I've been working on a video for Dave Hamer. He is receiving an award from the Omaha Press Club in a couple of weeks. As I was working on this I came across a booklet called TV Storytelling or something like that ... dated in 1985. As I was skimming through I found a neat chapter about being prepared authored by yourself. I found this book to be most interesting and your article was great and still holds true today.

    Good stuff
    Mike Richard
    latinlens@yahoo.com.....and are you still in town? Wanna get together for dinner before you go...if we can.
    In the course of moving this week, I found a nice Cabela's fleece vest that I got at the World's Championships. Never wore it, forgot I had it.I am not a vest guy.Send me an address and I'll mail it to you.
    Tom Kennedy
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