Drug Store Fire


Well-known member
Nice job.

Well composed shots...

I thought the nats felt a little forced... Here's what I mean.

I'm no editing genius so take my advice it for what it's worth, but when the guy put the box infront of your camera, I would have started the shot over the lady's soundbite. The "nat" was too long. I'd like to hear the crash of the red box right as her soundbite ended. (i'm talking about podding it up exact frame that it ends) It took at least a full second, maybe longer, to hear it the actual "nat"

Same with the truck and the phone call.

It might be smoother if the *ring* of the phone was heard underneath the end of her soundbite. You do hear it while she is up, but she's done talking already.

The truck seemed to be too long as well and it just appeared out of no where. I would have the audio start before you see the truck.

Maybe start the package with the wide shot of the truck instead of the talking head.

Good job. You have a good eye.

Latin Lens

Well-known member
For a day turn...this is an above average piece for a small market...good job overall. Your tights shots have good composition. You are trying to get nats which is great...don't ever stop doing that.

I am a little perplexed as to why you started with a sound bite....avoid that. You should have used the truck nat to start and the ladies sot underneath to generate a better starting. Tighten up your nats....there was some dead air there so do a better job of tightening up and it'll sound much better...let sound trail in and out for a better tease effect for the ears.


Active member
Without reading what the others wrote. I think it was a good pkg for a day turn. The only suggestions I would have is to maybe tighten up the nats a little. Also I like to cover my first shot if its a sot for a second or so. Like a shot outside or something. But I love the shot of the guy putting the red container right infront of the camera. I'm going to have to steal that one on a story sometime :)


Well-known member

If I were driving...

Your 1st nat break is the cover for the opening SOT... good scene setter.

The shots were well composed...

but, more T I G H T shots.

Better close. That did not seal the deal...
