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A friend is traveling to your part of the world in a few months and is looking to rent some gear when there to avoid hassles with customs. Can you recommend any rental houses in Australia/New Zealand? She will be traveling to both.

Her needs are primarily still cameras; DSLR bodies and maybe some waterproof housings. Any ideas for her to check into?

Is it possible to change my profile name? Not a big deal, just curious.
Hello Kevin... this email is almost 4 years late - but yes we can change the screen name for your account... what would you like it to be?
I want to shoot for a network. I have been shooting for locals for the past 15 years. How do I even gt started I had one interview at CNN a few years back and when they asked what I wanted in terms of salary for working in Chicago I told them and that was the last that I heard from them. Just wanted to know where to go and what states that one most live other than NY to snag a gig ? THANKS
Moving back to my home town of LA. 34 years working TV news
I'm sick of it all, stepping up to the plate shooting Independent productions. Going to be looking for talented production crew.
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Story telling is always best when its personal.

Attached is a story that started out as a letter. Written in under 20 minutes it revealed itself almost organically in the edit. The standups and landing stuff was a total after thought.

Good documentarians always get immersed in the story. Once it's yours its easier to tell. "I" is the most unambiguous word in any story.

Some excellent advice on the site you linked to as well!

Good luck,

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Hey Cyndy, thanks for your kinds words with the 32GB cards length. Not sure what was up with Doug, but not very professional if you ask me.....

At present, we do not have plans of exhibiting at the Texas Production Roundup, though I'll certainly look into whether it is feasible with our current travel calendar. That said, we recently added Olden Lighting as a dealer and I would be glad to put you in contact with Walter to arrange a private Varsa/Boxer demo.

As an aside, I noticed that Kennedy's ENG is listed as a sponsor of the event and they have been considering becoming a Nila dealer as well. I am sure that you could contact Kent Kennedy and inquire about a Varsa demo and we could at the very least ship a demo kit for them to exhibit at the show.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the products. As always, feel free to e-mail me directly at

Talk to you soon!
Any chance at getting to see your line of lights at the Texas production roundup.

I am unable to make Nab as are a lot of the Shooters due to scheduling conflicts this year. I am very interested in the Varsa and Boxer lights but would like to try and get my hands on them before making any decisions.