Why DO we still have big cameras?


Well-known member
Most times its the bigger camera but the smaller cams are better for certain situations.
Even then you are overstating the practicality of small cameras. In 30 years I've never needed a small camera for daily news. The 4 or 5 times I wanted a small camera for feature stories I had time to arrange one.
Its like replacing all the office computers with a pad and pen for all the times there are power cuts.... and it saves money.


Well-known member
small and really small cameras

Small cameras are good! We use a Sony z5 with the Sony really brite LED lite that uses same infolithum. L batt as the camera does it goes on the screw in position on top and in the shoe goes the sunhiser (sp) wireless recv. This camera has 20 x optical ZOOM

Also use a Sony palmcorder HD that records to hard drive... good for times i need to walk in and look like a tourist where as a sholdercam would be barred..

We have old SD sholdercams with betacam backs etc over in the museum building but except for demoing to people this old man is happy to have lighter cameras to carry on a news shoot.


we tried the smaller "next generation" eng cameras a few years ago. lasted less than 2 years. Here is what i found.

the lens. The lens was not nearly good enough. I remember shooting a POTUS event, and the producer in NY saying to me over the ifb, zoom in. I was zoomed in! I remember shooting crime scenes, where the photogs next to me are like wow there is the gun, and i was like what gun, all i see lights a block away.

the top light. how do you power it? not from the stock pannasonic battery, not enough power in them. so, now we needed another battery.

not to mention trying to mount wireless recievers, and now a live u etc to a small camera, what are you really saving? the thing becomes heavier than the shoulder mount camera, and a lot more unbalanced.

Plus the smaller cameras are not made for the ruggedness that is ENG News.
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