Tornado Warnings


Well-known member
No I want to see your story.
If I can locate the filetape and manage to encode it, I'll post it... Ended up not using the MiniDV footage I shot as our angle became the homeowners and the damage to their neighborhood... I believe they used a viewer's home footage (which was closer and clearer) for the lead-in to team coverage...

WarBird Dude

Well-known member
I think one thing is getting lost in this thread. Some people 'like' the action and suspense storms bring. It breaks the monotony of the daily norm. I haven't actually seen one yet, but I've seen plenty of what they can do.
One Halloween we were sent 50 minutes north of the station to do the annual Trick or Treat prep story. Yay~! Right as we finished up with that we were blind-sided by some pretty serious rain and wind. Driving back to the station on the highway was hellacious. Wind an rain/hail all over~! Finally we make it back to town I look over and see one of our live trucks sitting by the side of the road. -- Then I notice the completely vaporized building across from the live truck. Turns out the station FORGOT abot us. Had we been 15 minutes earlier I'd have gotten the tornado coming right across the highway~! You'd think they'd know where their available resources are at all times, but most of our non-field types leave something to be desired. I was pissed because I was in perfect position to be ready for action -- but, hey, we got a really nice trick or treat feature for Halloween.

My point here is that some folks have the attitude of liking to shoot stuff. I don't need some damn fool ND/EP/producer to tell me and try and get good stuff. It's what I WANT to do. Be prepared for action as you would with anything else. Weather gear always at the ready.

All this being said though, I want to see the tornado before IT sees me.
