Rip me apart

Did you shoot that kitchen set ad? That's some nice jib work there...

A couple of jump cuts bothered me, the one off the top where the kid is sitting with his mom then all of a sudden swinging a bat. The other one was his mom in the interview position then the next shot she's standing there at the plate with him. Maybe break that up with a tight of the kids feet or eyes, or the pitcher throwing the ball before you show the mom with the kid.

Other than that I thought it was a nice story, the sequence with the swinging and the falling down made me laugh and the reporter interaction made for a fun moment.

Another thing I think really worked was the staged posing shot with the tilt up. It gave it a little ESPN kinda thing. Some staging is key to sports stories in my opinion.

I don't like slo-mo, especially to close a piece, but that's just me, I know alot of people do and you didn't over use it.

Nice story.
Yeah I got a tip tell that kid to get his back shoulder higher than his front, if he ever expects to meet the president again! All kidding aside not bad good sound! Like Hank said watch those jumpcuts. I would have liked to have seen more reaction, there were also plenty of opportunities for tight and beauty shots. But all and all nice work none of the jumpcuts made it too jarring and it was a cute story!

I'm sorry, but the story was much better than the shooting. I don't know what you had to work with, but there was no suspense or emotion. Some had to do with the writing. Most had to do with the shooting. There were no transitions and a lot of wallpaper, in my opinion. Give me TIGHT, Tight, tights... and emotion...
These kind of stories are hard to do but you did a pretty good job with it. Watch the jump cuts....ultra tights would have helped you alot on this one...

Getting "away" from the action is a help. This means lugging your camera out...away...from the infield to get a bunch of other shots...wide, medium, tight. Variation is key....but work smarter not harder. Know where to go...outfield, shoot from the dugout, first base line (outside of fence)....and an hour shoot looks like you spent all day.