Reality TV School


Active member

I felt the pkg was a tad long but overall it was well done. i didn't have a problem with the flashy style. But the one problem was with starting with file. If all your video is there and it's the best video why start with file of reality tv shows? We all know what they are we don't need to see them espically if it was mentioned in the intro. But good story!


If all your video is there and it's the best video why start with file of reality tv shows? !
Yeah, but sometimes ya can't talk your reporter away from their script.

Great pkg. I loved the sped up computer vid. Gonna try that.


Well-known member
Nice. I thought the shooting and editing was right for the topic.
I love that he googled and decided he was the only/first reality TV school. I did a story on the first New Zealand reality TV school a few years ago. It was based on a UK reality TV school. I wonder if they were the first too? :)
I'll see if I can find the story but it wasn't as good as yours.