P2 Users?


....going P2 soon..station has invested with avid. I own a mac w/FCPHD. Can I edit in mac and export back to my P2 camera via FW and then ingest from cam card to the avid system at work?
....going P2 soon..station has invested with avid. I own a mac w/FCPHD. Can I edit in mac and export back to my P2 camera via FW and then ingest from cam card to the avid system at work?

Don't see why not. Have I done it? No.......but as long as the camera recognizes your mac output as a "generic dv device" it should be able to. and, of course, once on a card...it can go right to the system at work.

that said....different things communicate different ways.....in other words our newscutters recognize our HP laptops as a generic dv device but our adrenalines see it as an avid device and can't decide which is hosting which.

so......it makes sense that it would work....but i'd find someone who has actually done it with the exact hardware/software that you have.
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I've tried to do something like this with a PC setup and was unable. The computer treated the cards as read-only. So, tell us if it works.
....going P2 soon..station has invested with avid. I own a mac w/FCPHD. Can I edit in mac and export back to my P2 camera via FW and then ingest from cam card to the avid system at work?

Should be able to use the P2 import/export functions within FCP to do this. Once the material is placed back on the cards, anything that understands P2 such as the station's Avid system, should be able to ingest it.

By the way, here is a new application supporting both Mac and Windows for P2 content management. It works a lot like the XDCAM Transfer app on Mac for XDCAM.


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Good luck! you're dealing with AVID which isn't the most reliable editing software out there. We use avid and I like the setup and functions but, lets face it, AVID is stone age technology compared to FCP. In theory your idea should work, and probably would with any other software, but I'm guessing it won't with AVID.
Good luck! you're dealing with AVID which isn't the most reliable editing software out there. We use avid and I like the setup and functions but, lets face it, AVID is stone age technology compared to FCP. In theory your idea should work, and probably would with any other software, but I'm guessing it won't with AVID.

Just to give some perspective from someone who actually has been using Avid since 2000. Avid has been very reliable and stable, editing day in and day out. I now am shooting XDCAM HD (stone age technology) and importing files in Avid, editing in native and transcoded DNXHD and exporting back to XDCAM HD disc and to Blue-ray DVD disc. Great workflow. Oh, yeah and Avid will also edit the proxies, so that I can rough edit in the field and email the edit to the post house. But you can't do that with FCP. I guess it is still in the stone age. Every NLE has its strengths and weaknesses. And if you edit for a living you have to know how to use all the tools.
well...it seems that at this level...it isn't a case of fcp interacting with avid. there's a step in between.

i don't think import/export (as i've come to use the terms) from fcp to p2 is even possible. the only way to write to p2 is through the camera.

the only ways to write through the camera are:

1.) camera input.

2.) video input (through the genlock and xlr connections.)

3.) 1394

if you can play an fcp timeline out via firewire to the camera it's just a real time record onto a card.

at this point....that card should have no problem being ingested into your avid program.

btw....if you're just looking to get your final product into the system....how's about this?

export your fcp timeline as a quicktime to a thumbdrive....take it to your avid workstation and import into a bin.
Shootist has it right. Play the sequence out real time into your camera either via Firewire or thru a Canopus. It will just be another P2 clip to the Avid. You should be able to go the other way as well.
Just moved to P2HD after using xdcam, dvcam and digibeta.

Have found P2 ingest to be the most fu$%ed up method ever. Random file names... but even when the camera is connected to the PC, it refuses to play.

I installed the drivers etc and P2 Viewer.. occasionally it lets me access the card... on even rarer occasions it might let me ingest.. P2 viewer souped up verson has no vommon sense to the interface... Ive found the button to ingestvis called "register"... how effed up is that?

Anyone here offer some help, because this camera is going out of this place in a few thousand bits shortly.

Shooting in AVC i 100. 50i
Windows. Quad core. 8gb ram. About 20Tb HDD real estate.
Be fair to say I'm not a fan of P2 or the fussy P2 micro cards. I wouldn't ingest from the camera but get a card reader. They are stupidly over priced but will save you grief... unless you use a Mac... or Avid... or look at them funny...
Just curious, Ben... Why aren’t you using a dedicated card reader, instead?

I’ve had a Mac since 2009 and I’ve had P2 since 2011 and I don’t recall ever having problems dumping footage with a Panasonic card reader.
When we first started with P2 the Mac and Avid server (2003ish) it would ingest the whole card as if it was a drive so once you ran out of drive letters it stopped, then it turns out it was ingesting the free space on the card as data so we quickly ran out of storage... then there was a Mac driver update the meant it couldn't see our card readers for 6 months and the the cards suddenly stopped bring the audio when they spanned a card in the recorder...
most these have been fixed but every now and then the Mac, Avid, P2 workflow will bite you on the bum for no apparent reason.