Favorite Photog Mottos

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"When the news breaks, so does our equipment."

In response to those who say our job is simply to feed the monster, my reply has always been, "You can either feed the monster a balanced diet, or a bag of junk food."

"News you can count on, overtime you can't"

"They is no 'I' in team, but then there's no wisdom in managment either."

"Those who can, become News Directors; those who can't, hire consultants."

"The camera doesn't make you look 10 pound heavier, all the fat does."

"When it rains, it pours. When it ices, go live."

I can either do 1 thing well, or a 100 things poorly."


Oh yea, I forgot the one I usually tell my reporters when they ask how their live shot looked. "Of all the live shots you've ever done... that was one of em'"


"There is no "I" in Team, But there is a "ME" and it doesn't include "YOU".


In stead of saying goodby
I say.....

" I'll see you in the wideshots"


1. Assume nothing.
Expect no gratitude.

2. Never explain.
Never complain.

3. Errors have been made.
Others will be blamed.

The Old Guy

Active member
I don't know if i seen it on this board or not but I did like ...

"If at first you don't succeed, you might as well give up. No use looking like an idiot!"


"Guns don't kill people it's those little bullets."

and of course

"If it bleeds it leads!"


Well-known member
"Gates Down, Lights ah Flashing, No Train coming"

kinda like "lights on but I mean Nobody Home


Well-known member
A report I was talking to tonight gave me this idea for a motto after she tried and tried to turn a bullish story....(choose your variation)

"You can't get milk from a bull."

"You can milk the bull all you want, but you won't get any milk"

"No matter how hard you try, it's not milk you'll get from the bull."



Well-known member
I used to work with a guy who would say “Every shot a Rembrandt.”
I think he was wrong and what we do is more like Monet :)


Well-known member
These are mine, hope you like them...

"And thats the News, as you and we, have seen it!"

"If you can't impress them with your intelligence, then dazzle them with your Bullsh*t!"


Well-known member
Not a photog' saying but an interesting quote none the less from the classic movie "Citizen Kane:

I will provide the people of New York with a daily paper that will tell all the news honestly. They will get the truth in the [New York] Equirer, quickly and simply and entertainingly and no special interests are going to be allowed to interfere with that truth. I will also provide them with a fighting tireless champion of their rights as citzens an as human beings.

-Charles Foster Kane

As journalists, may we all strive to live up to such lofty ideals.

[ August 20, 2004, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: 2000lux ]
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