

Well-known member
bottom line, for the majority of the country we're a purple nation.
unfortunately it seems as though human nature doesn't get excited talking about all the things we agree on, only all the things we hate. & thus is why we hear so much about blue & red states.

imho, many politicians = hipocrytes. & to stir the flame of red & blue...

During a debate with then-Vice President Al Gore on Oct. 11, 2000, in Winston-Salem, N.C., Bush said: "I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation-building. . . . I think what we need to do is convince people who live in the lands they live in to build the nations. Maybe I'm missing something here. I mean, we're going to have a kind of nation-building corps from America? Absolutely not."

& I know the response is going to be, 'we're in a post 9-11 world.' which I'll say, no we aren't. we had terrorists in this world on 9-10-01, & we had terrorists in this world on 9-12-01. the only thing that changed in this country is that John-Q-public started paying attention.

a lot of the iraq war public opinion is that we've gone back to the black hawk down era & can't stomach seeing dead US soliders on TV. we've forgotten how easily we forget.


it still bugs me, but nearly everyone else has forgotten. google doesn't even remember what "537" is until you add "florida" into the que.

0.000009161032006% is the lead that Bush had over Gore when the court declared a winner.

it says a lot about the country we live in when must people see that as a Bush v Gore argument. & not an argument about lawyers, $$$, judges & the right for every common person to vote & have their vote counted.

we live in a purple country. we agree on 99% of the same things. the last 1% has some big differences in it, but it is still 1%.


Well-known member
Yep, and that 1% will be the un-doing of us. And I'm not so sure that would be an entirely bad thing, either... Maybe we have "outgrown" for lack of a better word, each others company. I would be tempted to cut off my fingers before I lived in a liberal stronghold state (aisde from the one I had the misforture of being born in). I'm not suggesting we take up muskets against each other ala 1861... but perhaps a gradual shift in demographics across the country will sort things out in few generations.

Tom Servo

Well-known member
True enough, but the court held in President Clinton's case (sorry, don't know the cite off hand) that the President CAN be sued for actions not related to Presidential actions, ie Paula Jones. It was in this context that he committed perjury. He did not get in trouble for the "I never had sex with that woman" lie, he got in trouble for saying that in a sworn affidavit to a federal judge. Show me the equivilent in President Bush's case.
I'm not sure where you're going on this one. So far all of Bush's crimes (that we know of) have related to his presidency, and therefore Nixon still applies.

A/B roll

Active member
Yep, and that 1% will be the un-doing of us. And I'm not so sure that would be an entirely bad thing, either... Maybe we have "outgrown" for lack of a better word, each others company. I would be tempted to cut off my fingers before I lived in a liberal stronghold state (aisde from the one I had the misforture of being born in). I'm not suggesting we take up muskets against each other ala 1861... but perhaps a gradual shift in demographics across the country will sort things out in few generations.
Wow. How can you be so sure of yourself? How could you be so intolerant of others?

I cover state politics exclusively and one thing I've noticed is that (at least in state) the sterotypes of democrates and republicans don't really apply. Lots of republicans have environmental policies and lots of dems want streamline the budget (cut taxes). The world just isn't that black & white. I feel sorry for you that you can't appriciate what's outside of your box. I've never tried the Kool-aid, but I hope it's worth never tasting any other beverage again.

Your name even says it all. Pre-set, 5600K or 3200K nothing in between.


Well-known member
Preset, sounds like you need to head to Idaho. You'd be right at home up there fending off the black helicopters with your trusted red rider
bb gun. Cheney can teach you how to shoot!

Buck Satan

Well-known member

Just as an aside, I am wondering how the people here that consider themselves "journalists" balance thier supposed objective nature of thier jobs with their unbending political affiliations...


Well-known member
Buck Satan...Do you mean how would you cover a gun-control story
when you openly list guns as your "interest"? I don't know, you'd have to answer that one yourself...

Buck Satan

Well-known member
Lets not hijack the thread

"Gun Control" is hitting your target :D

All kidding aside, just because I profess an interest in something does not make it my "new religion". I would probably aproach the story the same way I would a "screwdriver control" story. I was merely posing the question to those whose beliefs have entered the realm of "dogma" rather than "fact"


Well-known member
It's not a matter of dogma, or fact or professed interest. It's whether or not you can do a balanced, NONBIASED story despite
your personal slant. As a photographer, if someone or something looks bad or out of place, then it refects directly on me and my work. I still have my personal beliefs. Just not going to allow them to enter the work area.


Well-known member
It's not a matter of dogma, or fact or professed interest. It's whether or not you can do a balanced, NONBIASED story despite
your personal slant. As a photographer, if someone or something looks bad or out of place, then it refects directly on me and my work. I still have my personal beliefs. Just not going to allow them to enter the work area.

Whatever, dude.... Do actually expect ANYONE here to beleive that? Do you realize that in almost the same breath you accused HIM of being biased while covering a hypothetical gun control story DURING a thread where YOU expouse your own liberal views...

Gawd, you really ARE a hypocrite.... And an oblivious one, too.

And yeah, I wouldn't mind living in Idaho or some other place with people who think the same way and beleive the same things I do. What's wrong with that? Liberals have plenty of places like that... NYC, DC, SF, LA..... why shouldn't conservatives? Why do you feel the childish need to make fun of that? Black helicopters? Red Ryder BB guns? Is that supposed to be witty?


Well-known member
I'm only a hypocrite if my ACTIONS AT WORK show that you moron.
That was the point that is so lost on you. I guess the Kool Aid
As for you going to Idaho, that why I picked it for you. That were the neo-nazis hang out so you should fit right in.


Well-known member
Okay dude, that's fawkin' wrong, and quite frankly, extraordinarily offensive.

You're calling me a gawdamn Neo Nazi?


You've never even MET me. All you know about me is that I'm an opinionated, unapologetic Conservative who isn't one to back down from a sprited, frequently outnumbered, discussion of politcs with my Liberal counterparts.

And for THAT you call me a fawkin' Neo Nazi??????????

Again, WTF??????

What is WRONG with you? That's like something a child - a STUPID child, that is - would say.... You get frustrated during a discussion so you just start calling names. Is that it?

Neo Nazi???? Huh????

Do I advocate rounding up Jews and killing them? Bombing black churches? Killing gays and lesbians? Cause that's what they're about... And that's what you're calling me.

So please explain. Don't bother apologizing - just explain WHY you would call someone you've never even met that term.

Ya know, we DO work in the same town... Yeah, it's a big place, but we MIGHT meet one day. If that ever happens.... I hope you'll be able to restrain yourself. You sure as Hell can't in writing.....


Well-known member
Preset...So you're upset because someone called you something without any idea as to who you really are or what your history is?
Imagine that....almost like calling someone a hypocrite when you
know nothing about them or their personal history or actions....
How ironic...makes you wonder who really is a hypocrite...Kind
of like the old saying about people in glass houses....For the record though,
I don't think you're a neo-nazi. Just said that to make a point about
labeling someone without any facts to back it up...Hopefully it might make you think
next time before you call someone a name...:D
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Just Wondering

Well-known member
Clocks in Heaven - A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move.""Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie." "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?" St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire Life.""Where's Hillary Clinton's clock?" asked the man. "Hillary's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."