
A/B roll

Active member
1. Libs accuse this guy of cherry picking facts, taking things out of context and manipulating quotes, therefore his arguements are not valid. But Michael Moore is a spot on genius for doing the same thing?
Just because I can spot propaganda dosen't make me a "Lib." I'm able to recongize that Michael Moore is a spin machine as well. Botom line is that I don't like people tring to manipulate me or even worse... manipulating the week-minded, on either side of the fence.

Tom Servo

Well-known member
2. Newt Gingrich may be a jerk, but Bill Clinton did not get in trouble because he cheated on his wife, he got in trouble because he cheated on his wife, (in violation of federal sexual harrassment laws that he supported) then lied about it in sworn statements to a federal judge and grand jury, suborned perjury and obstructed justice in an attempt to deny an American citizen her day in court in a federal civil rights lawsuit.
This may be true, however, did that really justify impeachment? I would submit there would be a stronger argument that it did, if Bush and Cheney were being impeached right now. After all, I would say lying to the country about the reasons for a war, committing war crimes in the execution of a war, and perhaps even treason (Plame case) are certainly impeachable offenses, and I would submit far more serious impeachable offenses than lying about screwing around on one's wife.

3. A tactic I have noticed to be prevalent among some on the left is attack the messenger, when attacking the message fails, ie, someone who is not convinced that the science on global warming is absolute or conclusive is a tool of "big oil".
The left certainly does not hold a monopoly on this tactic.

4. Whenever anyone quotes a source from an organization with conservative ties, their message gets attacked as "more lies from the neo-cons". So an organization like Tenessee Center for Policy Research is branded "right wing nut-case", while, the Brady Campaign and PETA are oracles of truth.
I'd be interested if you'd point out a message on here in which someone judged PETA to be an oracle of truth.

5. Whenever anyone questions a liberal, instead of engaging the arguement, you get things like "Soooo. . . . .. Who sent ya? O'Reilly, or Limbaugh?"
Well, yes, if someone posts idiotic propaganda they're probably going to get some derisive remarks.

responding to questions about Al Gore with "I suppose it's easier for republicans to talk about Al Gore's utility bills than it is for them to discuss the war in Iraq, the treatment of our wounded soldiers at Walter Reed, the possible illeagal firing of Federal Prosecuters, failed foreign policy, failed education policy, Scooter Libby, etc., etc., etc.:
Sounds logical to me. Or are you suggesting that Al Gore's energy bill is more important than these other issues?

Oh, by the way:
5a: War in Iraq: We could go on all day about this, but the fact is we are there now, and you would have us cut and run?
that's really a topic for a thread on its own, but the short answer is that we must ask ourselves if we can do any good by staying. We should also bear in mind that the same "oh my we can't cut and run!" argument was used to keep us needlessly embroiled in Vietnam.

5b: Walter Reed: This is what happens when you let unfireable civil service employees run things.
1) the people who were running things at Reed have already been fired, which debunks your argument.
2) This is what happens when you play army and don't really give a damn about the soldiers you're playing army with.
3) This is what happens when you subcontract oversight of Walter Reed to a Haliburton subsidiary, thereby further enriching the Vice President (who still hasn't gotten around to getting rid of his Haliburton stock that creates an inherent conflict of interest with his current position).

5c: Firings of Federal Prosecuters: All US Attorneys work at the pleasure of the President of the United States, they can be fired at any time. President Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys in 1993.
1) This is the famous "But Clinton" defense. Let's get one thing straight. Just because Clinton did something does not justify Bush doing it. It does not remove Bush from culpability, although the Republicans seem to think it does.
2) Yes, Clinton replaced the prosecutors at the beginning of his term and no one blinked an eye because that's routine, and is how the system is set up. No one blinked an eye when Bush's dad did the same thing when he took office either. The difference here is that Bush Jr did it for purely political reasons, which is unprecedented.

5d: Failed foriegn policy? I don't think getting hosed by the UN and being loved by the French is all that admirable of a foriegn policy goal.
We went from having the sympathy of the world to enduring the wrath of the world. The day after 9/11 even Iranians marched in the street in support of us. Then Bush started the foreign policy failures by naming Iran as a part of the "axis of evil." And were I you I really wouldn't bring up France - first off they were right about the war as we can now all see, and second, surely you're embarrassed by the kindergarten "freedom fries" tactic.

5e: Failed education policy? How, US schools were turning out legions of morons before George W. Bush ever dreamed of running for office. I am not a big fan of the President on education either, considering he let Teddy the Secretary Slayer write the biggest education bill of his presidency.
Because No Child Left Behind is a complete flop. He mandated it but refused to fund it. Now schools are having to cancel programs in order to pay for this junk, that doesn't even work. Teachers are now required to teach to the test, which is really good if we're trying to turn out a crop of mindless automatons or factory workers (psst. Hey. We are) but not so good if we want citizens who can actually think for themselves.

5f: Scooter Libby: There was no crime commited in any discussion of Valerie Plame
And he wasn't accused of that. He was accused of perjury.

BTW, Joe Wilson's testimony where it counted, (sworn) in front of the Senate Foriegn Relations Committee and the 9/11 commission CONFIRMED the British Intel, that Iraq had sought to increase trade with Niger. Niger only has ONE export product-yellowcake uranium.
You're not really going there are you? The CIA itself told Bush for months before that SOTU address that the yellowcake story was bunk, but he went with it anyway.

6. Ronald Reagan said it best "Liberals will defend to the death your right to agree with them".

Again acting as though liberals have the corner on that market. I seem to recall neo-conservatives telling us that anyone who disagreed with them or anything they did (such as the war) was unpatriotic. If liberals advocate bringing the troops home (where they stand a much better chance of living and not being mutilated) is "not supporting the troops."


Well-known member
Why are you trying to use logic against an illogical opponnet? It simply can't be done. When you try to argue with idiots, it makes it hard to tell you apart from them.

You simply cannot argue with a commited leftist because they are ideologially prohibited from seeing any point, regardless of how accurate or legitimate, that doesn't fit their narrow, dull-witted world view.

That video will mean NOTHING to them..... Some will even claim it's fake. It doesn't matter. You cannot have an understanding or consensus with these folks about anything.... They simply have to be ignored or defeated....


Well-known member
An excellent reply Tom Servo, thank you for the reasoned debate. I don't feel like playing the embedded quote game, so I'll take on a few of your points in the limited time I have this afternoon.

"This may be true, however, did that really justify impeachment? I would submit there would be a stronger argument that it did, if Bush and Cheney were being impeached right now. After all, I would say lying to the country about the reasons for a war, committing war crimes in the execution of a war, and perhaps even treason (Plame case) are certainly impeachable offenses, and I would submit far more serious impeachable offenses than lying about screwing around on one's wife."

How exactly did Bush and Cheney lie about the reasons for the war? There were several reasons, including the argument made by EVERYONE, including Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and many others going back to 1998 about Saddam's WMD aspirations. It is a fact that he used WMD on his own people and the Iranians in the 1980-88 war. He was in violation of 17 different UN resolutions, and was refusing access to his facilities, which he agreed to in 1991. He overplayed his hand, but I would have preferred not to have been proven right with a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv or New York.

Even if you can prove that President Bush lied (defined as deliberate dissemination of information known to be untrue), and you can't. That is not an impeachable offense. Perjury, subornation of perjury, witness tampering and obstruction of justice are. If President Clinton had come out and said, "Yeah I got a BJ from her, whatcha gonna do about it", that would have made him a jerk, but not a criminal. What treason in the Plame case. If there was any crime in the revealing of her identity, Patrick Fitzgerald would have sought indictments for that crime. No crime, no treason.

"The left certainly does not hold a monopoly on this tactic."

Please cite examples of this from the right.

"I'd be interested if you'd point out a message on here in which someone judged PETA to be an oracle of truth."

Touche on that point, I was being somewhat sarcastic.

"Well, yes, if someone posts idiotic propaganda they're probably going to get some derisive remarks"

The ad-hominem attack is a favorite tactic of the left, If you can cite examples from the right (I'll give you Ann Coulter), I'd love to hear them. BTW, I did glance at the link in the original post, It appears to be throwing the democrats own words back at them. You might not like it, but that does not make it idiotic propaganda. Al Gore's movie, however, IS idiotic propaganda.

"Sounds logical to me. Or are you suggesting that Al Gore's energy bill is more important than these other issues?"

Al Gore's engery bill is not, but his his hippocracy (sp?) is a subject for debate and discussion. His attitude is typical of the "do as I say, not as I do" attitude of the limosine liberal left. (A favorite quote from the late Richard Jeni, "Limosine Liberals, they live in mansions with 20 rooms that are heated, nobody goes in 'em. They have swimming pools that are heated, nobody swims in 'em. They fly 20 seat jets BY THEMSELVES, clear across the country so they won't be late for that conference on energy conservation").

"that's really a topic for a thread on its own, but the short answer is that we must ask ourselves if we can do any good by staying. We should also bear in mind that the same "oh my we can't cut and run!" argument was used to keep us needlessly embroiled in Vietnam."

We are doing good by staying. 14 of 18 provences in Iraq are stable. The reinforcements in Baghdad are improving the tactical situation there. We are fighting Al Queda there instead of Kansas. If we were to pack up and leave, the terrorists will have won, and we WILL be fighting them in Kansas, they have said as much. As far as Vietnam goes, we WERE winning there, the military won EVERY battle. Tet was a stratigic and tactical disaster for the North Vietnamese army and the Viet Cong. It was the Lyndon Johnson and Walter Cronkite that lost Vietnam for us. Linebacker I and II had devastated the North militarily, and forced them back to the negotiating table. When we withdrew in 1973, it was with the assurance that we could comeback if the North violated the Paris Peace accords, which they did, almost immediately, moving through Cambodia and Laos. The Democrat controlled congress refuused to fund President Ford's request to keep our obligations to the South, leading to communist takeovers in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Pol Pot is conservatively estimated to be reponsible for 1.5-2 million deaths. Cutting and running in Iraq will lead to the same thing.

"1) This is the famous "But Clinton" defense. Let's get one thing straight. Just because Clinton did something does not justify Bush doing it. It does not remove Bush from culpability, although the Republicans seem to think it does.
2) Yes, Clinton replaced the prosecutors at the beginning of his term and no one blinked an eye because that's routine, and is how the system is set up. No one blinked an eye when Bush's dad did the same thing when he took office either. The difference here is that Bush Jr did it for purely political reasons, which is unprecedented."

The left like to say "oh, the old Clinton did it too defense", my point was, It was not illegal for Bill Clinton, It was not illegal for George Bush. Please provide some evidence that it was purely political, other than talking points.

"We went from having the sympathy of the world to enduring the wrath of the world. The day after 9/11 even Iranians marched in the street in support of us. Then Bush started the foreign policy failures by naming Iran as a part of the "axis of evil." And were I you I really wouldn't bring up France - first off they were right about the war as we can now all see, and second, surely you're embarrassed by the kindergarten "freedom fries" tactic."

Sorry, I missed the "Iranians marching in support of us", I was busy that day, flying blood and medical supplies from Hanscom AFB to JFK airport. I would call, the current leader of Iran, who has called for the destruction of Israel and America "evil". France and Germany's only concern was keeping their deal with Saddam and their culpability in the oil for food scandal a secret. Their interest was financial and political, not moral. The simple fact is, it's time we stopped kowtowing to the rest of the world ala President Clinton. Europe hates President Bush because he doesn't kiss their butts. Let's be like Europe, oh boy, with their double digit unemployment and 90% tax rates. We are not Europe, we are America, the greatest country on the face of the earth. And I am sick and freakin' tired of pansie-a$$ liberal commie America haters blaming us for all the evils of the world. America always has, and always will be (unless you guys get your way) the greatest force for good the world has ever known. America feeds the world, defends it from tyranny (Nazism, Communism, Islamic Terrorists). Don't like it here, Delta is ready when you are, non-stop to France.
(Ok, rant over, sorry)

"Because No Child Left Behind is a complete flop. He mandated it but refused to fund it. Now schools are having to cancel programs in order to pay for this junk, that doesn't even work. Teachers are now required to teach to the test, which is really good if we're trying to turn out a crop of mindless automatons or factory workers (psst. Hey. We are) but not so good if we want citizens who can actually think for themselves."

Agree with much of what you said, but like I said, US schools have been turning out morons for decades. (look across the cubicle at the nearest reporter, most likely a product of government education). I believe President Bush should have pushed more for vouchers, so people who do not have John Kerry's wife's money can get their kids out of those crapholes.

"And he wasn't accused of that. He was accused of perjury."

President Clinton was not accused of cheating on his wife. He was accused of perjury.

"You're not really going there are you? The CIA itself told Bush for months before that SOTU address that the yellowcake story was bunk, but he went with it anyway."

They did not say it was bunk, they said it was currently unconfirmed. Also, the CIA has been working against President Bush from the beginning, as has much of the State Department. Remember, these are career bureaucrats, who don't like change, President Bush brought change. Also, it was a Democrat, President Clinton's appointee George Tenant, who called Saddam's WMD program "a slam dunk". Also, the British stood by their conclusions, and it was proven to be correct, in testamony before the Senate Select Committee on Intellegence and the 9/11 Commission.

"Again acting as though liberals have the corner on that market. I seem to recall neo-conservatives telling us that anyone who disagreed with them or anything they did (such as the war) was unpatriotic. If liberals advocate bringing the troops home (where they stand a much better chance of living and not being mutilated) is "not supporting the troops."

Disagreeing with me is not un-patriotic. but "supporting the troops", means supporting their mission. They are there by choice, every single man and woman in uniform today volunteered, and the vast majority support the reasons they are there. Supporting them means supporting their mission, not bringing them home in defeat, ala Vietnam.

ps, see how I manage to refer to Bill Cinton, whom I consider to be a disasterous President, has "President Clinton". I wish the left could manage the same courtesy.
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Well-known member
I can't count how many Bush pep rallys I covered where he pledged to, "Restore honor and integrity to the White House."

How's that working out?


Well-known member
I know I'm wasting my time here, hatred of this President has reached pathological proportions. But please show me where a court of law has determined that this President as committed a crime. (Granted, Scooter Libby, but that case has so many flaws, it's sure to be overturned on appeal). But back to the President. Where has he commited a crime? You disagree with his policies, fine. That is your right. But the fact is, he is hated because he sticks to his principles, even those I disagree with. In some cases, the federal courts have disagreed with his administration, in those cases he has changed policy to gain court approval. That's the way the system works. I feel sorry for you, I really do. All that hate must be burning you up, and it's making you irrational.

A/B roll

Active member
I follow the "political veiws are like farts, yours are fine but everyone eles's stink" philosophy. I think it's funny how people on both ends of the spectrum will stick up for an entire group of people who share SOME of the same beleifs. People with defined politcal affilation seem to have a "if youre not with us, youre against us." point of veiw.

The video in question IS propaganda, because it's one sided and produced with an agenda. So are Michael Moore's and Al Gore's movies. Just because you agree with the video, those movies dosen't mean they're legitamate.

People get in these lame arguments and they lose sight of the truth (left and right). Everyone does good somtimes. Videos like the one posted are just political bull shi* meant to get people fired up or give people validation for the political affiliation that they chose, same with the left. Bottom line; any extreme is stupid. We're journalists for god sake.
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Well-known member
You cannot mention the word "God". That is politically incorrect, and offensive to those who don't believe in a "God". You shouldn't force your morals onto others...

Try substituting "Fred" for "God".

Example..."We're journalists for Fred's sake".

Mmmmm. This Kool-Aide is yummy!

Tom Servo

Well-known member
I know I'm wasting my time here, hatred of this President has reached pathological proportions. But please show me where a court of law has determined that this President as committed a crime.
You need to read up on your American history. A court of law will not find that a president has committed a crime because the president won't appear in court. He has what's called absolute immunity (this was affirmed, btw by the Supreme Court in Nixon v. Fitzgerald 457 U.S. 731) which means that generally speaking, the court system can't touch the president. That's why it's up to Congress to impeach him, and that option is, after all, still on the table.


Well-known member
You need to read up on your American history. A court of law will not find that a president has committed a crime because the president won't appear in court. He has what's called absolute immunity (this was affirmed, btw by the Supreme Court in Nixon v. Fitzgerald 457 U.S. 731) which means that generally speaking, the court system can't touch the president. That's why it's up to Congress to impeach him, and that option is, after all, still on the table.
True enough, but the court held in President Clinton's case (sorry, don't know the cite off hand) that the President CAN be sued for actions not related to Presidential actions, ie Paula Jones. It was in this context that he committed perjury. He did not get in trouble for the "I never had sex with that woman" lie, he got in trouble for saying that in a sworn affidavit to a federal judge. Show me the equivilent in President Bush's case.


Well-known member
Damn right!!! Once you have some, you can just stop thinking!!!
So that explains the last two elections. The red states get all the Kool-Aid! And
Texas, from what I'm reading here, is where it must be manufactured...