b-roll.net AWARDS Coming Soon

December 16, 2010 lead

Two weeks remain in this fair year of 2010. I, for one, am looking forward to entering into 2011. Not just for the clean slate that a new year brings – but because January 1 starts up the 2011 b-roll.net AWARDS.

We’ll have a detailed schedule in the coming days, but start uploading your clips now at http://b-roll.net/tv. Even though you won’t be able to enter the contest until the new year, here’s a look at our categories.

  • Spot News
  • General News
  • Feature
  • In Depth
  • Live Shot / Standup
  • Breaking News
  • Nat Sound
  • Sports
  • Non-News Production
  • Investigative

More details coming soon.

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