
October 28, 2014 forum topics
Has anyone used the Airbox type of softbox on a LED 1×1? Wondering what you think of them.

For those not familiar that are a blow up (air filled) air bag that can be attached with straps or Velcro to 1x1s to diffuse the light. There is a front pocket to add different diffusion or color correction gels. Louvers available as well.

The design folds flat and appears fast to set up. I’m wondering about longevity. Many pictures show a yellowing front panel and that’s no good. There is no heat in LEDs to yellow a fabric like old hot tungsten lamps did. Guess I’m wondering if they come with a yellow tint or if it was a bad marketing photo?

For the cost I’m willing to try it. $85 and $115 with louvers from Anyone else have input?