Housecat rant

December 3, 2013 forum topics
So I’m driving back from my 5pm liveshot and I see a brilliant white contrail. Very fast and obviously very high as it’s lit by the setting sun. The Falcon launch. For well over a minute I was able to watch as the stages seperated and a new commercial satellite winged it’s way out of the atmosphere.

The first private payload launch and the first from Florida. A huge boost for any aerospace workers who’s fortunes changed with the shuttle’s demise. A pretty big story in these parts and I saw it for what it was while driving. I get back to the desk with my discs from the day and ask.."who shot the launch". Blank stare, crickets, and then "oh that’s what the calls were about."

Anyone in this market who looked up saw a spectacular thing. We missed an opportunity to tell the story of Falcon. The story of the future of Florida’s biggest and most prestigious industry.

Countdown, launch, gorgeous overflight with nats of a crowd of station employees cheering in parking lot. The story writes its self in whatever order you build it.

I was told "it’s okay we’ll get the nasa video" Yes, but what people here saw will most likely be provided to our viewers by someone who mails in cell phone video.

