Why we need Nino

October 26, 2013 forum topics
First let me say I totally support Kevin and b-roll. It’s his site and I feel at times Nino was pushing to see how far he could go before he got banned.
Let’s face it you don’t last as long as Nino has in this industry by stepping back from a fight, which makes him an easy target for trolls and others who may mean well but can’t resist poking him because he actually cares about his craft.
Fine. Not everyone is passionate about what we do I understand that. We all work to the level we choose … like I said fine
But then I see stuff shot like this and it’s not fine

It makes me so angry. It was shot by someone who either didn’t know how to shoot with lights or didn’t care. They should not be working at this level of show.
The main IV camera is poor at best, but the cutaway camera, not only is the host not lit but the camera is not focused, framed or exposed, it isn’t even levelled ffs!
And even if there is only one cameraman on the main camera and a producer or some random assistant on the other, the main cameraman is responsible for the look of both! End of story!
It’s just not good enough. We aren’t talking about some poorly funded regional show, it’s THE BBC.
So I know I’m setting myself up for replies about “good enough” and “but it’s been viewed by X number of youtube watchers who won’t know the difference” I get that.
But we know the difference The industry knows the difference and when we see crap like this something that could have been shot by anyone with a camera, there is no skill here. It hurts our craft.
So why is a show that is one of the BBC’s premiere programs, whose host is notorious for railing at any perceived drop in standards, is using a cameraman without either the ability or passion or both to do a good job? I don’t know, but I do know a story, that has gone viral on the net, which could have been an example of fantastic work that could have opened door to any camera job anywhere in the world is instead an embarrassment.
So lack of skill or lack passion for the work? Skills can be taught but passion for the craft is another thing.
Nino has both skill and passion and a desire (at least I hope he still does) to pass it on if we would let him, if people could try playing the ball and not the man*… and the man in question along with the others maybe take it to “uncensored” if they want to play rough.

*Yes and I get that is an ironic thing for me to say after slagging someones work, someone I don’t know… but damn that cutaway camera…