
October 9, 2013 forum topics
1) I don’t often pontificate (at least I hope not).
2) I’m not an intellectual…just been around so long that a lot has passed in front of my eyes and been processed through the old brain.
3) Over the years I’ve gone from being a person of action to a mellower more thoughtful person…a process many of you have already gone through or are in the process of going through.

So here are some thoughts.

In a post about returning to b-roll I used the word “respect” in two senses.…t=28981&page=3

(1)Respectfully have you forgotten some of your posts where you equated remaining a staff news cameraman to being a loser? Yes, you are at the top of your game but as many have said, we each reach our own comfort level. Some of us keep learning but choose to stay in a certain location or job or circumstances due to family obligations or just because. There are many, many reasons to remain in one location or job.

I think those who man the cameras and edit bays day after day serving their community the best they can deserve a lot of kudus and (1)respect. Just as those who hover in the stratosphere or are just beginning to crawl out of the bottom feeder pit.

We are all unique and learn in differing ways. We each choose our level. I might look down at a beginner initially but when I see effort to move on my (1)respect for that person becomes stronger. If they choose to remain happily at the bottom, that is their decision and I have to (2)respect them for that…they have their reasons.

What I do not (1)respect is belittling those above or below…trying to pull those who are ahead in the game down and those who belittle the newbies or folks who are comfortable where they are.

According to, I’ve used “respect” in two senses (see below) – as a verb where I respect their actions by not interfering with them and as a verb and a noun in another sense of honoring them or holding them in high esteem. So I do respect Nino – hold him in high regard for his experience and knowledge while I may not agree with him. And I respect (do not want to interfere with his decision) CSpotNews for his decision to use the auto functions on his camera even though I think he should learn more because some day his lack of knowledge may come back and bite him.

2) 2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.
1) 3. Willingness to show consideration (or appreciation).
1) 1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem..
2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.

One of the issues I frequently see on this board is a lack of respect for others…a willingness to ream and take apart and try to take down. Egos run amuck. As an adult you should be able to give and take criticism…and back away from your personal feelings. The ability to communicate and give and take and argue without rancor has made for some great postings on b-roll. At the same time some of those great discussions have disintegrated into squalor when ill will ran high and personal feelings got involved.

I think those coming to this board need to understand that it is (a) a professional board where they can learn. (b) Posters should understand that they can post an opinion and others may or may not support them…and if their opinion goes against professional practices they should consider why those professional practices exist. So CSpotNew’s support of auto functions is something few pros do…although we may have occasionally used auto a few times, it is not an acceptable practice. Full control of the camera at all times allows you to know with certainty that every shot will turn out the way you need it to…not just most shots. And…(c). The most difficult part. Showing respect in one sense or the other. Nino and I went at it pretty hard some time back and we both backed off. It could have gone downhill…and I am grateful it did not. Learn to turn the other cheek and agree to disagree without the name calling and baiting.

End of lecture (although there are a lot of others like this bottled up inside).