Last Week’s View From the Floor

September 3, 2012 Uncategorized
It came as a pretty big surprise that I was going to have a nearly front row seat to the main event at the RNC in Tampa.
The passes to have access to the main floor were limited and we had talked about the possibility, but I didn’t know it was going to happen until we were given the passes.
This trip was all about logistics and getti on TV trumped nearly everything else. No matter what we were doing, we had to drop it when it came time to do the live shots.
The timing was right for us to be on the floor right in the thick of the delegates. I was there for the infamous Clint Eastwood speech, but never actually saw the chair until later.
The chair helped the speech make better sense, but it still didn’t make it any more effective.
I wish I had a better angle for getting still shots, but that was secondary to getting my job done for the news.
Romney did his thing and we got the balloon drop that I’d been looking forward to all week.
The crowd cheered and seemed to be in full agreement with the platform that Romney laid out in his speech.
It was an exciting event to witness, but I found it to be geared more towards the party faithful. I had the opportunity to shoot interviews with several well spoken republicans during the week.
There is a huge difference between what I heard in the one on one interviews and the mudslinging crap that normally passes for political discourse.
Neither side is without blame.
I look forward to having the perspective of attending both conventions.
The election season is in full swing and I’m going to try to not get too wrapped up in or put off by the process.
For me, it’s an educational experience and it’s a valuable opportunity to witness a small part of history.
No, I’m really not getting a lot of sleep, but it’s rock and roll time.
If I close my eyes, I might miss something.