thought for the day

May 1, 2012 forum topics
The Cuban Government is said to be considering relaxing its Marxist era travel restrictions.

It’s another sign that Cuba is moving away from the policies of Fidel Castro and his oppressive leftist ideals.

It would mean Cubans would potentially be able to go where they please while Americans would still be stifled by reactionary policy.

The back drop to all that is that today, Governor Scott, a "pro" jobs and business politician, signed a bill restricting state contracts to any businesses dealing with Cuba.

Present for the signing, all the usual suspects. The powerful and connected talking about terrorist regimes who make life difficult for their people. Measuring Syria and Cuba as part of a new axis of evil. These same Cuban exile politicians have delivered votes in a block since the Bay of Pigs. The same people who stump for free markets and less government interference, despite their inconvenient truth.

There are voices against the bill and it’s dampening effect on Florida business. One of them declined an interview citing fear of reprisals like the recent fire bombing of a US to Cuba travel specialist. His family, here, felt terrorized, intimidated.

The cold war, apparently still hot in south Florida. Bread not bullets wins the peace. Refusing to smell the bread rising means Cubans won’t get any on their tables and our businesses wont get any in their pockets.