Charleston Crew Provides “The Goods” for a Myrtle Beach Car Dealership

May 7, 2012 photog blogs


Nexto Drive Myrtle Beach video production HVX200 GTT Go To Team Dave Baker Charleston DP Bron Kobold  video production camera crew

Go To Team recently sent Charleston based DP Dave Baker and Craig Goodale to Myrtle Beach SC to help create some Car Commercials for The Morgan Group.  They used a Panasonic 17 inch HD monitor with a Microjib, 800 watt Bron Kobold HMI, and a Panasonic HVX200.  They kept things rolling smoothly and quickly as they toured the dealership, highlighting various vehicles.  As the gear was being packed up, the HD footage was handily transferred to a client Hard Drive from GTT’s Nexto drive, and before the sun set, several spots were shot, gear was packed up, and Baker was on his way back to Charleston to prepare for the next shoot