What the F*#k is going on!!!

At the scene

Well-known member
I have to vent!! I was sent to NYC to cover Tom Brady and the hearing on his suspension from the NFL. Sent there the day before to do a few lives to preview what's coming up. It's just me, reporter and producer. We show up to the funny farm I like to call media frenzy, clearly over 100 camera's. We are at NFL headquarters on Park ave. an area which covers a whole block in NYC. I'm not to familiar with the area or the building so I start to hob nob with the local media, heck they are there every day so they no the in's and out's. I meet this really nice photog, older gentlemen who you can tell put in his time. He said there are 8 ways to get in and out of here so roll the dice and take your chances. Mostly everyone is on Park ave covering this grand entrance, revolving doors, doormen, security guards. We decide to stake claim to a piece of sidewalk, security is making sure we do not step foot on the property, where there is a huge plaza before the entrance. Sure enough Brady's lawyer comes walking up the plaza to enter the building and a few yahoos go running up the plaza and surround him so of course no one can grab a shot. Quickly they were kicked off by security and screamed at by the NY media outlets. Rough crowd ( I love it)!! Any how 15 minutes later we find out Tom Brady arrives at one of the 7 other entrances that 1 only 1 CBS camera grabs a shot of. The money shot, everyone is going nuts, everyone wants it nobody can get it producers are screaming, looking for cell phone video or pictures its crazy.

We are a regional sports station owned by NBC so our producer hooks up with the NBC sports producer who then headman's a small army of every NBC affiliate there to cover every door in this building. Great, I'm assigned a side door on East 51st st. 11 hours,11!! standing waiting for a glimpse of Brady and his entourage. At times covering 2 entrances to allow someone for a bathroom break or grab lunch and dinner. At the 11th hour word trickles down that Brady sneaks out the underground garage ( no one gets) but some have NFL lawyers and Brady Lawyers. We now get ready to go live, producer calls the station to tell them NBC Newchannel will feed all the sound on the bird to please insert back at station. We get a call from the mother station who says Newschannel will not release the video because it's to bad to air. WHAT!!! How bad can this be, we air crappy cell phone video from consumers all the time. WHAT!!! These are professionals we are dealing with here. How can this be!!

11 HOURS WAITING!! 2 days and 2 nights in NYC for 3 people and not 1 thing to show for it. I am afraid to go into work today. Honestly I will be the first to admit that there are plenty of photogs better than me, I never have claimed to be the best but C'MON MAN!!!! WTF!!!!!
Thanks guys for letting me vent!


Well-known member
Even if you got the shot, who cares? This ain't journalism. Everyone knows what Brady looks like. Do we really need to see him walk into a building? Just a bunch of wasted resources no matter how you slice it. Garbage.

At the scene

Well-known member
Even if you got the shot, who cares? This ain't journalism. Everyone knows what Brady looks like. Do we really need to see him walk into a building? Just a bunch of wasted resources no matter how you slice it. Garbage.
LOL!!! Doug I agree 100% But unfortunately I don't make those decisions. I was assigned a job and try to do it to the best of my ability. I guess to answer your question, correct everyone knows what Brady looks like. I imagine it would have been the shot if he talked. I don't think anyone knew what to expect yesterday but you are correct when you said quote "Just a bunch of wasted resources no matter how you slice it. Garbage"

I guess my real complaint is that 2 professional photogs screwed up so badly that it could not be aired. Real journalism or not that is truly F*#ked up!!
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