What do you want from the NPPA?


Well-known member
First, thanks to Kevin for restoring the NPPA section here.

Now, I know there are a lot of good ideas from a lot of good minds here. How about some thoughts on what the NPPA could do better, what they're doing well now and what you think they are doing poorly at. It's about time for the annual board meeting so your ideas could be acted on or at least discussed.

Someone mentioned putting regional contest winners online for all to see. I think there is one region doing that now and we're looking at a way to do that in Region 5.

A few questions I have to get things started:

How do we keep TV members active and interested as they get more years under their belts?

What about an NPPA certification program?

More programs like the Airborne Seminar and Workshop in Norman? Fewer? Something new?

I would hope you all stay positive in your responses here but I'm more realistic then that...


Well-known member
My only thoughts are that the magazine seems geared way more at still shooters than those who are shooting video. It's even reflected in the advertisers. I'd like to see it become more balanced coverage in print. Since I'm up for renewal this month, I thought I would pass that suggestion along.


Guy Critique

Well-known member
I have said it before and will say it again.
If you want to lead change in this organization step up, you get back more than you give.


Well-known member
Change NPPA

I would like to see more regional involvement. I for one know if my region would do something I would support it . If NPPA stresses to Regional chairs to get more involved with the region I think that would restore interest through out the country just by getting current nppa members active in the organization again. I look at all the good photographers my region has and all the ones from the past and often wonder what we could do if we tried to get them together so we the photographers could learn from them.

I am not knocking my regional chair because I think she does a great job. I would like to see us get together more as a region so we could see what was being done in other places and learn a bit more.


Well-known member
Michael this should produce some good ideas on what needs to be done in the future. Here goes mine as a former board member/older vet/member. First off, I know what can and can't be done due to the way our budget is structured. As an older vet my dues gets me a magazine, exclusive entry to two quarterly clip contest and a free DVD.

The educational events that the NPPA offers are stale once you've been though them all they become old as a vet. I mean once you've done the Workshop, Advance Storytelling and maybe another smaller venue there is really nothing more left to do? Advice, explore expanding educational programs to reflect the times.

I now am starting to freelance more and more. Granted I learned as I've gone but someone out there could easily ease the learning curb. A workshop or a boot camp on lighting is one of the biggest things missing from the educational programs. I say look at one event that isn't producing the mandated 20% profit line and cut it! Then use that money to redirect to different areas both Still and TV alike.

Also, this has been discussed in the last few days with higher ups of the NPPA. Take the TVQCC to the next level, make it a total on-line contest. Just by doing that it would solve so many problems that has plagued it for many years. Results would be posted automatically, judging would take place on line and you'd receive a e-mail both letting you know if you place and with your critique. Although it's going to take some time and a little bit of money to make this one happen.

As a former board member, be it proception or fact. We need more good volunteers to serve the NPPA in a leadership role. Be it on the board of directors or someone within the EC. Right now there is only two television voices that have a vote within the board of directors. Not saying the rest of the members on the board don't care about TV or issue related in our field. It's a little easier to get something passed if we are represented correctly within the board.

Fix the website! It's old and out date. The message boards stinks to high heaven, it now looks like someone in high school made it as a class project. Spend some money, get a webmaster and fix the problem. There is plenty of content sitting on the shelves at home office that could serve up and coming members. A lot of heavy lifting would be required but it can be done. Hence why maybe cutting another event would help in so many other areas.

Commutation! There needs to be more of it within the organization as a whole. Not knowing one side is doing until a powder keg explodes is not self serving to our members. I know you that volunteer and are board member also have jobs. But communicating is key amongst you all. And am just as guilty of not doing enough during my term as the next board member beside me. If the masses are in the know, half the B.S. that goes on would cease.

Stop moving around "The Summit" keep you're big event in one location just like the workshop has done for years. Take it to Vegas or some other tourist trap to make it worth your time to go. If you get tired of the event you can simply walk downstairs and get a hooker or play blackjack. Also that way folks won't wonder where it's going to be the following year. If they cant make this year maybe next year instead.

Add more things in the store that I can use as a TV professional. Be it discounted light stands, lights, a video camera, porta brace stuff, batteries, softboxes and on and on. Right now the store is solely for the use of still folks. Other than maybe a universal lens cleaning kit, I-cuff and flash drive that is about it for us TV folks.

Add more content in the magazine! I know for a fact Don has done a heck of a job of revamping the magazine and making a great reading material in the can. He needs to add more TV content, in that same breath he needs more TV members out there to write stories as well. If each member wrote one story in there tenure as a member, I think folks would stop bitching about lack of content.

By doing some of these things the $110 in dues makes a little bit more sense. As of right now my time is up once my current membership lapse in 2008. As a vet I refer you to the top to see what I receive in a year. There needs to be more stuff for us vets! And before someone say's something about advocacy the on staff lawyer and the other things added in the past. Please am not the person that needs those services.
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Land Rover

Well-known member
I like the NPPA but I let my membership lapse years ago for some of the same reasons mentioned above. It really seemed to be a waste of my money. The magazine seemed to be really geared towards still photographers. That’s nice but it was of little help to me. I’ve been to the workshop and thought it was good but after a while there really isn’t anything the organization offers in the way of continuing education, not even lectures during the year, for veterans. I don’t submit material to contests either so I don’t participate in what appears to be the main focus of the NPPA even though they say they do more. I think the contests are a great thing to have and the competition it spawns is also great but its just not me. I’d also like to see more done on a lobbying or legal level for the industry as a whole. I know everything depends on the size budget you have to operate on and I have no idea what the NPPA’s budget is or all the sources of their revenue. It just seems to me that the organization should be doing more.


Well-known member
Plenty of ideas here, and I've shared them with some folks... but here's a couple key points for me...

Vets- what can they use, what do they want
Web- grossly underutilized. with high ROI and with NPPA's technical nature, this amazes me
Dependence on volunteers- unfortunately you get what you pay for. Aggressively seek a couple of major sponsors (Sony & Apple for example) and hire some organizers and promoters for events & magazine.
Ingenuity - many have come up with ideas that are free or close to it to increase attendance & membership, this is a wasted resource.

I wonder how long Poynter will hang around to prop up the TV side of the NPPA.


Active member
Buy a server or buy space on a server. I know from my few years experience that the best way to learn is by watching good stuff. I wish there was a way to post a lot more stuff on the web. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mention. Why not? If it goes online, this should be easy.


Well-known member
split the NPPA into two divisions (still & television) with two magazines and equal emphasis on the product and quality


Well-known member
I think this is a good topic and will generate some good that could change the NPPA for the future. My only questions is how will we know if our concerns are being adress?


Well-known member
How will you know?

wutang, I'll be sending a link to this thread and a summary of the ideas to the rest of the board. I'm not sure what action will be taken but there will be some awareness of what you all say here.

Keep the thoughts coming!


Well-known member
I am in AZ, and would like to see more events and training here in state.

I am in AZ, and would like to see more events and training here in state. --ed ( who needs to get better!)

Freddie Mercury

Well-known member
I used to really need the critiques from the contest. I would submit my best work that I thought was really good, then see the critiques and take the advice to improve. My measurement for how my shooting was doing was whether I placed, or how high.

The contest really isn't important to me any more. I've been in this over 15 years, and while I am constantly learning, I don't learn from the contest. Forms rarely have anything constructive about the stories, if they write anything but numbers, and there is starting to be a big delay in results once again.

Outside of the contest, I don't really care for the magazine. Articles that inerest me are just expanded versions of what is discussed here, usually written by the same people. The national competition is now open to everyone. The savings on seminars is not enough to justify a membership, especially since they are usually too far away to attend. That's why after over 15 years I let mine go this year. I hated giving up that low number, but I really wasn't using it any more.

In this age of instant communication, the NPPA still seems to move painfully slow. The website is the most obvious example. There needs to be a way to connect with the members in a more lively way. You enter a contest, and you WAIT. The printed magazine's articles are pretty old once it comes out. It's like dealing with the government.

The NPPA missed it's chance to be what B-Roll has become. I don't know what I would want from them now.

Mr MoOz

Well-known member
I like the idea of placing contest submissions online. This is both stills and TV. I think having it online will bring traffic and more involvement by all of us in the process. This could be for say 1 month for judging and comments. Only a registered members vote can count to final score; but all get to to vote/comment. So there would be a members vote and public.

I think that having the insiders eyes along with non members is very good for the long term in how our work is viewed. The advantage is that we can pimp out the web url to trade mags, other websites to draw hits, publicity, and a wider diverse audience. That in turn could bring us more members, etc.

Only the winners will be kept online in a long term mode.

It could improve the judging pool size. Most stations/papers are judging at the minimum these days.

The drawback is that it could/would become too Amer. Idol-ish. Moderators could control this.

How practical are the compression ratios to provide good enough quality to judge?


More regional workshops or traveling workshops would be great. Getting interested people to attend is not as big a problem as much as getting them to the workshop. They usually fall on the weekend when many can't go. Maybe a 1 day workshop in the middle of the week.....


Active member
I can tell you why I haven't joined NPPA. I look at what is out there for free, such as this site. I have looked at the magazine and there are better more up to date articles one buttone click away.

As I would love to go to the workshop in Norman, that is about the only thing I really want that NPPA offers. I don't know who controls the region I'm in, but I never have heard of anything going on around here. I've gone to 2 state AP workshops and I didn't have to pay a thing, unless I wanted to eat what they offered. While it was not hands on, there were respectable photogs talking at them and I felt I walked away with some great ideas for my shooting. If i were a member I guess I would like to see a better discount for the workshops. I can't justify to my wife $110 dollars a year for a useless magazine (in my view), $50 off a week long workshop that I wouldn't go to every year, and maybe some critiques of work that I have done. And that's only if I don't load my work on youtube and ask people on a board to look at them and tell me what I did well and what I really need to work on.

I have looked at the website only a handful of times and have found for a media site it is painfully ugly. I don't need flash everything as that gets old too, but I want it to look like you have a small grasp of what's going on with media and be able to use it. Being able to see the winners is not a huge undertaking. Just a server and someone that can update it when winners are chosen.

So I guess all that to say, I don't see where the $110 is well spent.


I would like to address the comments about the the regional chairs putting more effort in to the regions.

If you look at the directors of the regions they are more still based except for Brad in region six and Peter and Matt in regions nine and ten.....

In my own region seven it shows hat the Ass. Director spot is vacant pending election??? What election and when???

But I do agree wuth others who say you want change?? VOLUNTEER!!!! That is the only way things will balance out. But, I would like to see the nppa make it more easy for the ones who want to volunteer do so. I am only ten minutes from the News Video Workshop in Norman, OK. I would like to help down there with just being gopher if need be. I don't think Dave or Sharon have that need, But still I would be there in a heartbeat.

Or just make it more simple for people who have the time to step up to help in their regions or anywhere else they can help make this Association run and look better to the rest of the industry.

I don't believe in splitting this group in two, one for still and one for video. I think that would make things alot more worse,than better.

As far as B-Roll.net goes, this should be the model of what the nppa wants from the video side of the group of members. We all agree what Kevin has done is amazing. If not, we wouldn't have all been visiting here as much as we do.

That's my two cents,
I could be wrong about all this.


Well-known member

Actually, Brad is no longer Region 6 Director. He didn't run for re-election. Region 5 has Mike Borland. And I'm the Region 7 AD. It's still not enough TV representation though.

You're right about needing volunteers. When I ran for director 2 years ago, I was the only one running. No one stepped forward for AD. It took a 4 month delay to get a full slate to even have an election. If you don't agree with the way something is being done, then volunteer and help change things!

Everyone will admit the website is very user un-friendly. I'm told there isn't much we can do about that right now We are in a contract with the company that designed it. But I'm sure, once that contract is up, it will be changing.


Active member
I find it hard to believe that you can't tell whatever company does the website "This blows, nobody uses it, change it, or we'll find someone that can."