that this might be a smart shot at getting those Hillary backers who wanted to elect a woman to the White House.
McCain said "Country First [and not me first]" But that sounds to like he will do anything for HIM to become President. Sounds like him first country second.
I bet Sarah is a nice person and is a great mom but not to be a VP and not to be a President when the old man kicks the can at the first 1am call.
Bad choice McCain…bad choice.
4 more years? How about no more years.
OK? So she should be VP.
So are so many Dems children. Bidens son is an Attorney General? So he is giving back to this country as well.
And that makes some one a VP!
We can see that...she has 5 kids. And a communications degree. Can I be VP?
I am a union member.
husband is a union member and commercial fisherman
He also said that he does not want to be called the "first man" rather "first dude"
Great! NRA is great. Keep the guns in the hands of the right people and shoot the bad guys. I think we all agree.
sold the governors private plane as soon as she became governor
Sell Air force 1! And get a 787. Make all US gov cars US made cars. Give tax cuts to US auto makers to build hybrid cars and/or biofuel cars. We make the corn we make the fuel. More US farmers, more US energy, more wind solar, and other green energy. Then make that our main from for US government transportation. Build Boeing aircraft for US military! Dont drill in Alaska’s ANWR yet like she and McCain wants to do.
firmly against gay marriage but believes in extending government benefits to gay couples[/QUOTE]
This is what I feel will make or break this election.
I am not attacking you SVP. I respect your thoughts and your ideas. Because what I care about her in Washington does not mean much for those in the South. If we are going are going to accept the risk of 4 more years of the same then we can Vote for Obama.