Sarah palin???!!!!


I don't even know what to say.
I remember shooting interviews with her back when she was Mayor of Wasilla...just can't see her as a potential Commander in Chief.
My first thought, knowing NOTHING about this woman, is that this might be a smart shot at getting those Hillary backers who wanted to elect a woman to the White House. They still can, but as #2. She also seems to be more conservative than McCain which realistically means nothing to that administration but might make some conservatives feel better.

You have first-hand experience. What can you tell us about her?
She's someone you'd want to be friends with...cute, enthusiastic, hunts and fishes. Everyone liked being assigned to shoots with her.
But she's just a few years removed from being Mayor of Wasilla...a tiny little hick town outside of Anchorage. She has no national experience, no foreign policy experience...and McCain is old. There is no way I can see her as President if it came down that.
There are gonna be a lot of "Dan Quayle in a Dress" comparisons going around.
What's the fascination with executive experience? Historically speaking, is there any correlation between having executive experience and being a good President? Bush and Carter had lots of executive experience and sucked.
For a guy who is doing so well in the polls lately, this pick just seems a little... desperate. Like he's scrambling for votes. Hey, it might work but it also might look like a shameless political ploy to some people. That's the way it seemed to me at first. But then svp enlightened me about her conservative resume and I realized that McCain picked her not because she is young, attractive, and charismatic, but because of her values. Yeah, that's it... her conservative values.
that this might be a smart shot at getting those Hillary backers who wanted to elect a woman to the White House.

McCain said "Country First [and not me first]" But that sounds to like he will do anything for HIM to become President. Sounds like him first country second.

I bet Sarah is a nice person and is a great mom but not to be a VP and not to be a President when the old man kicks the can at the first 1am call.

Bad choice McCain…bad choice.

4 more years? How about no more years.

Mother of 5
OK? So she should be VP.

son in Iraq
So are so many Dems children. Bidens son is an Attorney General? So he is giving back to this country as well.

PTA president
And that makes some one a VP!

We can see that...she has 5 kids. And a communications degree. Can I be VP?

former union member
I am a union member.

husband is a union member and commercial fisherman
He also said that he does not want to be called the "first man" rather "first dude"

NRA member,avid hunter,
Great! NRA is great. Keep the guns in the hands of the right people and shoot the bad guys. I think we all agree.

sold the governors private plane as soon as she became governor
Sell Air force 1! And get a 787. Make all US gov cars US made cars. Give tax cuts to US auto makers to build hybrid cars and/or biofuel cars. We make the corn we make the fuel. More US farmers, more US energy, more wind solar, and other green energy. Then make that our main from for US government transportation. Build Boeing aircraft for US military! Dont drill in Alaska’s ANWR yet like she and McCain wants to do.

firmly against gay marriage but believes in extending government benefits to gay couples[/QUOTE]
This is what I feel will make or break this election.

I am not attacking you SVP. I respect your thoughts and your ideas. Because what I care about her in Washington does not mean much for those in the South. If we are going are going to accept the risk of 4 more years of the same then we can Vote for Obama.
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But she has no foreign policy and/or foreign relations experience.


As opposed to the 141 days in the Senate. Or 36 years in the Senate.

Nothing says "change" like a new guy showing up and picking a Washington fossil for Veep. That's change, alright...

As for her, she's a Gov. That's an executive job, and Alaska is almost like a whole other country.

I recall another President who people said didn't have enough foreign policy experience at 43(?) to handle the job. So what, he was in the Navy. He talked funny. He was Catholic. He was a Yankee.

He was JFK.
Experience in foreign policy.

But she has no foreign policy and/or foreign relations experience.


Apparently experience isn't thought of as important or Barrack Osama would be back with hop sing making bisquits for hoss and little joe.

Let me be the first to say today, John McCain admitted defeat with this choice. VP isn't all that big a deal until you think about the fact the VP could be president. But c'mon Sarah Palin ????? She has the experience level of Barrack Osama for god's sake! Neither one of them should be allowed access to the white house.

America has effectively handed over the reigns of our country to a man who isn't qualified to run a sloppy joe street vending machine much less the most powerful nation in the world. Perceived guilt and the institutionalized big business of phony "racisim" has been sold to every man woman and child in this country for a 100 years. Now an entire race (ok polls say 96%) of people who are black, are voting for a president who would be on any secret service short list as a potential threat to any dignitary under their care, if not for him being a candidate for president. An entire race of human beings. How sad and frightening is THAT!

Now before the loons start shouting the usual here, it's well known one of my parents was black, and the other columbian. That doesn't make me dumb enough to think that electing a president based solely on skin color is within the realm of a good idea. How pathetic is it that we now will have a president whose claim to popularity is left wing radical anti american friends and spiritual leaders, AND his skin color.

If you own equities in anything other than commodities such as oil, gold, copper, or a few solar companies, you had better sell like there is no tomorrow. McCain just today, priced in a defeat for the white house, for stocks, and for America.

Sarah Palin ???????????????
I recall another President who people said didn't have enough foreign policy experience at 43(?) to handle the job. So what, he was in the Navy. He talked funny. He was Catholic. He was a Yankee.

He was JFK.

And a liberal Democrat.
I think she has more experience than ANYONE is giving her credit for. She is also not afraid to stand up to her own party and shake things up a bit. She beat the incumbant governor in the primary (granted Murkowski worte is own political death sentance being governor), has stepped across party lines to bring down something she thought was wrong (Worked with Eric Croft, D Anc, to indict Gregg Renkes, Murkowski's AG), was the head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Assoc. so she knows something of the energy problem.

I think svp has a very valid point. She is more middle american that just about everyone in DC. Very down to earth and will not make rash decisions. I think she will do fine.

On a side note, 13 years ago she was a sports reporter at the station I just left.
The experience issue is off the table with this choice. You can't say Obama is inexperienced when you have her in your back pocket.

When I first heard the rumors this morning, I thought it was a good idea. She is smart, attractive, interesting and has a big political future ahead of her.

Then rational thought set in. McCain is 72 and has fought a few rounds with cancer. Do we need a former Alaskan small town mayor as president?! She has been Gov. for a year and a half. It's like plucking a young editor out of the edit bay and putting them 2nd in charge of the company.

It looks more like a desperation move to grab the women who were pulling for Clinton. I believe those women are smart enough to figure that out.
And a liberal Democrat.

So what you're saying then is that because he was a Dem (and not as liberal as you guys would like to rewrite history to show, either) that it was okay?

So it's alright for Dems to have limited expereince, but not for GOP candidates?

Three cheers for you guys. Hip-Hip-O'crit! Hip-Hip-O'crit. Hip-Hip-O'crit.
She is somewhat a hottie for an older gal.

So I may be changing my view. She looked great in a bikini when she was younger so that alone makes her more qualified than Barrack Osama.
So what you're saying then is that because he was a Dem (and not as liberal as you guys would like to rewrite history to show, either) that it was okay?

So it's alright for Dems to have limited expereince, but not for GOP candidates?

Three cheers for you guys. Hip-Hip-O'crit! Hip-Hip-O'crit. Hip-Hip-O'crit.

No, I'm saying even people without tons of experience can make great presidents. The problem is the GOP has been pimping the experience mantra for many months.

Now they've turned the gun around, wrapped their lips around the barrel and pulled the trigger.

You wanna bitch for months about Obama's experience? Don't nominate a VP with LESS.
If he won John McCain would be the oldest elected prez in u.s. history. He'd be 80 if he did two full terms. Is that the direction we're moving in this country?

On the issue of the veep, who cares? Their role in government is minimal. Maybe more of an issue the older her boss is.
You can't fix stupid.

That is the dumbest analogy I have heard yet. You would rather have a younger president with zero experience whose liberal left wing radical friends have been people who advocate the destruction of America ?

My god-