NAT pak, Parkersburg IA Football Game



nat pak i put together tape to tape in a live truck. It as i know is not a A type of pak. I know i needed closer shots of the crowd and such. I look back and know there is things i should of done. Tho please give me you 2cents on how to make a better nat pak. FYI this was my 3rd NAT pak ever and 2nd with a very close deadline.

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Active member
Good job on trying to do a nat pkg. Just acouple of things. I was told on here on one of my nat pkgs, Lets see some of those faces. I understand that its about the game but I would have wanted to see some of those people talk about the game. Maybe have the game going on in the background while your talking to the people of the town. This helps because then your not trying to look for video last min. or you won't have to show that much of the begining of the game. It just gives the people that humen elements, again I got that from here because I didn't show a quartet singing in the nat pkg.

Another thing I noticed you had acouple of chances to use a natural wipe. Like a helmet in the middle of the screen then it moves into your next shot. Or a person walking by that you could have used, its just an idea that you may want to try out from time to time. Well thats my 2 cents keep up the good work man.


Well-known member
I wanted to see a story line. You had interviews, but tell the story using the game, the fans and the announcer. Did you have time to shoot the end of the game? Did your team win like the people of the town winning over the storm and getting back on their feet. You had interviews covered by game pics, but no story line. I would have loved to see nicely framed shots of the interviews. Some of the shots ran to long. The first shot where they entered the field was to long. Could have been cut by sequencing them entering the field. Good job cutting it under deadline in a live truck. I'm surprised the reporter went for a NAT sound package. None of my reporters would go for that. They always feel like they need to write something. I have to be by myself to do nat packages. Hope this helps.

Latin Lens

Well-known member
Valient effort for doing a natpkg....again you had an awesome oppurtunity here. In a case like this you need a game plan. Pick three people to get sound from....announcer, parent, student. Tell the "story" of the game...begining, middle end...and intercut the sound from these people to keep the piece moving. Let's see them physically...and this is where you vary up the interviews. Gather nats from every oppurtunity and move the piece faster. Aside from the actual play everything can be shortened....use the sound or reaction from the play to not make it feel soooooo long (the shot). And from my other critiques of your work...get closer. Your using your zoom too much. Those people aren't snakes they won't bite. "If your pictures aren't good enough then you're not close enough"---Capa. Get in the action...get in the sh^t. The sound you will gather and the shots you will get will be 1000 times better than what you are doing now. Use your feet, not your zoom and get close to the subject....this will get you closer to the story and tell a better one.Keep're going to make more mistakes but learn from them.


Well-known member

Action then reaction.

The "football to football" shots were both the same frame size and
jumpcuts. Use a fan reax shot to break them up, if that's the route you want to take....

Faceless voices. I find it important to connect to the faces of the voices I'm hearing. Even a quick shot of the person talking.

Tight, TIGHT, shots. Get them. Use them.

I see the improvement in effort, but concentrate on composition, depth-of-field, and gathering, clean & meaningful natural sound!


thanks everyone for the input. I like how one of you said to mic the coach or announcer ect. That is a great thought and I watched another story on the same game and they micd the coach for pregame. He gave a real emotional speech and it made the beginning of that pak. But ill remember what is said here and apply it next time. N Latin ill get into that Sh^t next time, thanks for your input every time.

Newsshooter, my reporter (Claire) is a excellent reporter and gave me the option of listening to her talk or putting the nat pak together. You can see what i did, but i told her i didnt want to hear her in the pak.