
we do, its pretty good in the city, just remember, just because you don't have a truck doesn't mean u shouldn't light the shot like its in a truck... carry a light kit with you at all times
They way we have it setup, the delay is brutal, viewing it on my HDTV looks terrible, and it doesn't handle fast background motion well. Other than that, it's great.
we use it here....its ok. Like others have said we've had the delay issue...about 7 seconds for us. We actually have photogs cue the reporter through IFB about 7 seconds early to help with the issue.

Fast movement can also cause break up. And just because you have cell service does NOT mean you'll have enough for a clean shot. And if your in the sticks with low service you can totally forget about it. I think its a good idea but it still needs refining.
We have a Live U as well. We continue to have problems with it. Just today we did a shot where he audio sounded terrible. Anybody have some tips to share on how to make shots better. I'm also interested in finding out how you are lighting shots when using it since there is no generator.
We've had one for about 6 weeks now and use it often. It's been helpful particularly with downtown shots where a truck might not fit or have mast space. We haven't had the delay troubles that other have mentioned since we use the lowest quality setting during lives but switch to HQ when sending back vid.
It has its upside, but won't replace trucks (unless they have us take generators). We had a shooter take it the other day because the ND wanted a shot from a crime scene. They ended up on a dark street with nowhere to plug in lights. Just a big black hole.
Just tested out the Streambox Avenir with two LTE cards immediately alongside a Dejero with FIVE aircards (I'm assuming a mix of LTE and HSPA+). Solid 3-5mbps HD signal on the Streambox with a usable HD picture. Dejero despite having double the aircards could only muster 500kbps.

It all depends on cell phone tower congestion. Morning show I'm sure everything works just fine. As the day goes on and for 6pm, those things are boat anchors.

It is most beneficial for your ENG truck to carry a good 500+ watt inverter with a beefy cable to the battery (possibly upgraded alternator if required) so you CAN use a few lights where no genny or other AC source is present.
Live U and Independent Operators

It's good to be able to review this live link system from a functional point of view.

In 2011, I had investigated adopting this system for a trial period, but went no further when I found that I was committing to a hefty monthly leasing fee, with no guarantee of any extra work as a result.

Not having the protection of a staff position/structure overhead, I can just imagine the client feedback when some of the problems (listed above) will inevitably occur.

It does raise a question though - if you were using the system to feed in elements of a package, to be assembled elsewhere - how would the system cope with that? I can imagine you'd want to have the intake area record the footage a few times, so as to give them best chance at working around problems.

A pothole avoided. Thank you everyone.
We used Dejero for 11 days in Daytona, twice and 3 times a day.

It was pretty much flawless...with the only slow time the morning of the 500(rainout) as the most people were arriving at the track.

All other times we used the box...even with 80-thousand people at the Saturday race it send back a signal in the 3500Mbps range.

Our delay on the Dejero box was about 2 seconds.

Just tested out the Streambox Avenir with two LTE cards immediately alongside a Dejero with FIVE aircards (I'm assuming a mix of LTE and HSPA+). Solid 3-5mbps HD signal on the Streambox with a usable HD picture. Dejero despite having double the aircards could only muster 500kbps.

I would guess that if you had 2 boxes up side by of them could have used up the available bandwidth over the other.

Verizon was the dominant provider at Daytona with Sprint coming in second. (via watching the Dejero displays)

My favorite feature of the Dejero is the "Store & Forward" function. You load your story on the built in harddrive which converts the HD footage to a 6Mbps file on the fly and then uploads that file to a server for retrieval by the station. It's uploaded at the full 6Mbps data rate (if that's what you want)no matter how long that takes...usually slightly slower than real time if the system is really busy.

Most of our live shots were slightly less than HD but still looked pretty damn good.

Example -

This was our only problem of the 2 weeks - a bad SDI cable snagged this live shot....BUT we were LIVE during a Thunderstorm...

Chris, what is the quality difference between the studio & beach shots? I can't tell from the web video as they look the same.