Integration and consolidation


Well-known member
Several month ago I wrote on this board that the only way to rescue the news industry is by consolidating and integrating resources not by cheapening the quality of the news with substandard journalists. I was met with a lot skepticism but looks like this is what's happening

This makes sense, not the lowering of reporting quality. We are already seeing stations sharing helicopters and other major expenses. At ESPN we've been sharing satellite trucks with the competition for years and even bartering videos. All the savings are taking place behind the scene, the quality of programming remain unchanged and some of the savings were shifted to improve the quality by expanding the number of programs produced in HD (real HD not toy cameras). There's no reason that this type of cooperation cannot be done on the local level.

There's still a lucrative audience watching local news but not as large as it used to be as a lot of viewers drifted to the web. Stations must regroup, reduce those costs that are invisible to the viewers while strengthening their market position with better programming not worse, give the public a reason to stay and even drift back; its very doable, all it takes is talents and sharp management.

The problem is that local markets can no longer support four or more stations broadcasting the very same news to a shrinking audience, particularly during though economic times when advertisers are cutting back. Lowering the quality of the prime product is not the answer, it's only a temporary fix not a solution, those who adapt to low quality because of the current economic times will find it impossible to return to a high standard once all the good talents are gone.

Just Wondering

Well-known member
To be honest, in my humble opinion, this is just another way to reduce videograher personell in the the disguise of cost savings.

What motivation does the # 1 station in a market have to share video ?

I admitt that ENG is a black hole that stations throw money at, hence, the motivation to hire more talented people to bring in the viewers to justify it.

This truly does seem like the Number 2,3 and 4 rated staions ploy to get a leg up on the compitition in their bid to avoid hiring the best of the best for that given market.

I am a very competative individual as most are in this business and do not see a major fix to the problem of economics in this attempt to share video.


I can not get my arms around this " SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND " mentality. If you want to be the best, the richest, the numero ono, the BIG KAHUNA you have to EARN IT on your own, NOT ON THE BACKS OF OTHERS that seem to have found the key to success.

It reminds me of shooters and reporters folowing the crew that always comes up with the best sound bytes and video hoping to capitalize on the work of the particular crew. Admitt it we all have had that happen to us. Find a piece of the story that no one else is aware of and bingo, there they are right on your coattails taking advantage of your hard work and talent.
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