Here?s something Michael wont like

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Well-known member
It has been a long time since I saw the BBC regional News programs so it is hard to comment on how Michaels totally VJ News rooms are working. Do the 50 PD150’s get the news as well as the 5 Betacams used to? He says they are a brilliant success, but are they? Do the 50 VJ Newsrooms even exist? I asked the BBC what they thought. I don’t think he’ll love the answer.

Dear Stephen

Sam has passed on your E-mail to several of us with the request to reply.

It just so happens that I am running a training course today at which the champion of Video Journalism will be talking. The Rosenblum training began a few years ago with him doing all the training. It has now been largely taken over by the BBC and re-named Personal Digital Production with a training centre in Newcastle. And a lot of journalists and some resource staff have been given the training and the cameras. And, as I understand it, a contract has been signed for the training to continue for several years - so they are definitely here to stay.

But, as you indicate, it has not been without its critics - not least the craft cameramen but also other journalists. The original idea was that the PDProducer would be detached from the rota to get really involved with the subject of their film. But that left some newsrooms short staffed, and prompted an element of resentment. However, it did produce some really good films although they tended to be of a type - living with a disabled child, prostitution, railway anoraks etc.

They are also being used to supplement conventional coverage - getting two cameras to cover an event that would have normally only justified a one-person crew.


Richard Jarrett
Journalist Training
BBC Training and Development
+ Room 3349, Television Centre, Wood Lane, London, W12 7RJ
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