Headphone amplifier?


Well-known member
I was asked to do audio for a friend's interview shoot. They were using a Canon C100. The headphone out volume was really low, even cranked up all the way. I would have liked it twice as loud. I have run into this with other camcorders. Anybody using a headphone amp to deal with this? If so, can you share model numbers? Thanks.
I use a FiiO E11. It has been discontinued and replaced with newer models. I like mine. I originally got it to use with my iPhone to listen to music, but realized it had additional uses with monitoring audio from a camera or audio recorder.


I also have a FiiO E6. I don't like it as much. You can't take the battery out, it's not very loud, and the controls are awkward.

Thank you. I saw that brand in my searching for a headphone amp. Also saw M-Audio, Behringer, ART, and many others. Thanks for the review.
There was an earlier thread about using an headphone amp to raise the level on a camera awhile ago? I think that is how I found out about Fiio.

You can find different versions at flea bay. I think this is their site for selling, but not too sure.


Still have not picked one up for my music player.
It's a shame that the camera audio out is so weak, you would think the design engineers would have realized a hotter output was necessary. I can see this on a $250 consumer camera, but in something that costs thousands... oh well. Audio is always treated as secondary, unfortunately.
The C300 is just as bad. Our audio techs are always complaining about the headphone out of that camera. Fortunately, the in-camera audio is generally a back-up we use for syncing and use the WAV files from the mixer, but still...