edit to script


I was wondering if this bothers anyone else or am i just being to critical,
We are asked to edit VOs to script and it seems when they pop the VO up it is 5-6 secs early or late and it then looks like crap was just thown together.
How do you deal with this and is there a way to fix the problem?


Well-known member
It sounds silly, but I get pretty good results from actually reading the copy out loud while I'm editing instead of just reading it silently. It may not match exactly, but it's almost always closer than five or six seconds. I find that I tend to read faster (and make my edits to match) when I read it silently than when I actually speak the words.

Back when I used to do a lot of show editing when I worked weekends, I got to where I could do the "voice" (pacing, inflection, etc) of both anchors pretty well and those VOs almost always matched pretty darn close.


I do read it outload while i edit the problem comes when the director takes the video he does it too early or too late. I know it is not my fault but it still feels like it is a bad reflection on me.


Well-known member
If the tape rolls late, nothing you can really do about it.

Years back, when I was the main in-house editor, I actually got very good at mimicking all of our anchors and reporters. People thought it was a joke thing, but I could do our 5pm anchor for instance, her cadence, her pace, and my VOs and VoSots would usually hit dead on.


Well-known member
No, it's a poor reflection on the director. You can't read his mind and know when he's going to roll the video. Edit to the script like you've been doing and don't try to fix what is out of your control. Otherwise, you'll burn out really fast.


Active member
I agree with SVP, it's not your fault the video rolls late or early. Just make sure you have enough pad at the end of the story. I always try and add 10 seconds to what is needed, even if I have to repeat video, usually happens on network stories. that way the story won't go to black even if the director rolls late.


it was hammered into me by the chief photographer to always edit a minute of VO and the news director doesn't like looped video so i am good there.
thanks I will try not to let it get to me.


Well-known member
I'd suggest that the director remove his boxing gloves before trying to punch the show. ;)

An old friend of mine said that he used to call one of the directors he worked with "Mittens", to his face.

He thought it was some sort of cute nickname. :D


Well-known member
This is why when I'm in the field doing a live shot, and the producer wants a live vo, I ask the reporter to track it, and send it in as a "pkg"... then we don't care when the director rolls it, it will work!