

Active member
why was the mic only on the reporter and not placed on the doctors? were there rules against that? Or how about your stick mic during interviews? I know you couldn't do much with the loud noise of the plane. But you could barely hear some of the interviews. The mic was in the wrong places with out knowing what rules you had. Over all solid story.


Well-known member
Yeah... besides audio...

why was the mic only on the reporter and not placed on the doctors? were there rules against that? Or how about your stick mic during interviews? I know you couldn't do much with the loud noise of the plane. But you could barely hear some of the interviews. The mic was in the wrong places with out knowing what rules you had. Over all solid story.
Bad audio... agreed. Lesson learned on that BTW... :rolleyes:


Well-known member

Agreed. I dropped the ball on that. I had an earpiece and headphones over that and it was still hard to hear. However, I thought I was hearing it better than it actually was.

Anyway, thanks for checking it out!

Latin Lens

Well-known member
You can tell you had limited oppurtunities and limited space but its an overall good story. Audio was rough at times but again....you did the best you could considering the circumstances.

Here's what I didn't like......the opening shot. I think a wide shot of the tarmac with the sun rising would have been better to give it that early morning feel but maybe you couldn't go out that far?


Well-known member
It seems like the reporter here REALLY wanted to make sure she was in the story starting with the opening shot. I would have liked to see and hear less from her and more nats and sots of the people carrying out the mission. (they are the story right?) I've done one of these and there is a lot of communication and interaction between crew members that gives you a sense of urgency. I also would have lost the second stand up instead of forcing something that didn't work technically. I was completely taken away from the scene as I focused on keeping up with the caption.

These planes are tough because you can't get away from the noise but what you can do next time is either plug into the com system or put a mic in a headset, tape it shut and do the interviews on the plane this way. Also, if possible you can try to do some of the interviews on the ground away from the noise which will give you some clean sound you can run under broll of your subject at work.

One last thing, I would have probably gone with a dichlo on the toplight and a daylight or 4.8k balance since the interviews looked a little orange and the background a little blue, but I thought the overall shooting and editing were nice and it was a good story, especially for a same day turn. These are a lot of fun because most people don't ever get to do this kind of stuff (without enlisting!) so I hope you enjoyed it...

Thanks for sharing,


Well-known member
Well, this was a spin-off of our "medical" franchise and Stephanie, the reporter/anchor, rarely gets to actually go with me and my producer. That's why she is in this soo much. My ND said two things- "I want to see Stephanie" and "Have fun". So, this was just one of those times where it was all about the reporter, so I suck it up and do what the boss man wants... :)

Agreed, I should have plugged into coms right away and done all communications through there. I've done that before and wish I would have here...

Anyway, I really appreciate y'all checkin' it out...