Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

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<TK Monkey>

It had it's moments. Brick is great. But I lived through the 70's in this biz and frankly there was enough hilarious s**t that actually happened. You don't need all the over the top stuff to make a side splitting movie.
They should have taken half of Ferrel's salary and hired another 200 writers and put some kind of plot behind this thing.
Dog and bears were nice.
It was cool to see all those old TK 76's breaking someone else's back and when they showed a TK 45 it had it's side open with an engineer buried in it. They sure got that part right!
When thay tried to tell a story the movie died. I say, screw the story line. It was really a bunch of skits and one liners loosely strung together. Though, it was nice to tune out for 90 minutes or so.

Brick- "you want to have a pants party?"
Someone to Brick- "where did you get the gernade?"


Well-known member
I haven't laughed soo hard at a movie in years! Great movie! A lot of suttleties(sp) that only newsies will get.

P.S. I know I can't spell.
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