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Terry E. Toller

Well-known member
I agree with that. but you can't deny that he is a coward who hides in the shadows of cyberspace...

We were lead to believe that there were weapons of mass distruction. Haven't found any. We were mislead. GET OVER IT!

I know you libeals just can't stand the idea of liberty and freedom but because of the US, there are girls now that for the first time in their lives can go to school. There are people who were being tortured in prisons that are now free. Their crime, doing what you are doing and talking trash about their leader. You see, he would kill people like you. Yet, you seem deeply offended that his butt got kicked by us. GET OVER IT!

We are there because Sadam needed to be taken out of power. Iraq is a hotbed for terriorist groups . I know, I know, we should open up lines of dialog with them and not try to kill them. I go back to 9/11, that is a good reason to be at war! And yes, sadam did finance terrorist activity.

Absolutely, you have a RIGHT to speak out. And you have an absolute right to say what you want. But when people like you are seen by terrorists, they only know they are doing their job. They know that they have a chance of winning because of cowards like you who hide and yap. Go ahead, give them all the support and comfort you want. They can't win. Not unless we get someone like kerry in office. Heaven forbid!!!

On 9/11, our country was attacked. It was an act of war. The terrorists attacked everything that America stands for. That includes your right to speak out against your government. What they didn't take into consideration is that many hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives to give us those rights and to defend them. I think that you have also forgotten how you came by those rights. They aren't there by accident. At this very moment, there are brave men and women fighting to defend liberty and freedom. Your freedom. Abuse it if you will but remember, everytime you post such things on the net or say things like this in public, you are aiding and comforting the enemy. Your words will end up on some terrorist website as proof that America is made up of cowards...

[ September 24, 2004, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Terry E. Toller ]


Well-known member
But when people like you are seen by terrorists, they only know they are doing their job.
Our terrorist enemies love hearing from people like you. YOU are why they are successful. Do you like aiding the enemy? You oil their machine with your lack of courage and lack of loyalty to the America that the MAJORITY of us love.
Stop foaming at the mouth for a second, our colors are RED WHITE and BLUE, and all you are seeing is red. A good strong REAL American can take it on the chin, not over react, cause panic and foam at the mouth.

Let me put it this way Terry, if I wanted to kill someone all I would have to do is two things for the perfect murder. One, find out where you live, and two, find a way to convince the person I wanted shot to break into your house. Tell me, what are the odds that you would not shoot someone coming through your window in the middle of the night. Now maybe this analogy has strayed from my intention, but the point is, nothing here is on the level. Do you really think people are getting killed over Allah?

You want our country and all it's resources to be on the call for every crack pot out there, jumping at shadows chasing our tail?

No Terry, it is you, You that oils their machine with your lack of courage and lack of loyalty to the America that the MAJORITY of us love. We must be stronger on our convictions, yes we will strike with a clear target, but we must set the example, and no we will not give in to terrorism, but we will not be ruled in fear of it either.

I learned a long time ago, that it is much worse to fear being hit, than to actualy be hit. It does not matter if it is 3000 or one man beheaded, these actions are done with the intention to manipulate, can you figure that out?
There IS no line in the sand, it is not us and them.

The only reaction that should happen, one NSA,CIA etc, does their job and get's the FACTS before action, that and people that don't want to be killed, should leave places they are not welcome.

We can't even protect our own border, why the frack are we trying to police the world?

Terry E. Toller

Well-known member
You're right about the way to murder. If you ever need to know my address, just email me...

On a personal level, when someone attacks you, most of us would defend ourselves. On a national level, we do the same. that is called war.

All the attacks against America during clinton's era went unanswered. the message to the terrorists was loud and clear. Hit America and they will cry but nothing else. Today, we have a leader who is defending America and our way of life.

The idea that someone doesn't love our country because they want to kick the butts of those who attacked us is nonsensical! It is the usual liberal tactic of confusing the issue.

I get it. you want to roll over and talk to the terrorists and give in to what they want. Well, thank God, your opinion is in the minority.

The people of Iraq are realizing freedom for the first time in their lives. Not all of them even want it. But as in America, the majority do. Too bad you only get your news from American media. It is painfully obvious that all you know about Iraq is what the Dan Blathers of the world report.

Try listening to the BBC on shortwave. They tell of wonderful stories where Americans and Iraqis are building a new nation. Stories the liberal media in America don't want the world to know about.

I truely feel sorry for you... But it's your choice...

america is free because millions gave theirlives to make and keep it that way. They even did if for people like you. they are doing it right now.

America is what it is through strength. Not candy ass "more sensative war" talk.

Defend people who murder two women because they are building schools in Iraq. Defend those who murder little girls who go to school. Defend them all you want. Just remember, your absolute right to defend those people with words has been defended with American lives and strength. Defend them, comfort them, it's your right...

[ September 24, 2004, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Terry E. Toller ]


Get over it? Hey you are the one who brought up Bills blowjob, not me. Why is it that you far right wingnuts cannot get over that yet it is OK for our troops to die because we were MISLEAD? Mislead is just another way to say LIED. BTW, why not answer the question about impeachment?

There you go again mixing up the facts. Those girls who missed school and the people tortured in prisons were in Afghanistan and the culprits were the Taliban, not the Iraqis. Remember them? They are on their way back now because we do not have enough troops there. Why? Because we are fighting a made up war constructed by an incompetent government and have stretched our troops so thin that our RESERVISTS have to fight.

Yes we should be fighting terrorists. We should have sent more forces after Osama and finished off the Taliban. Instead we have CREATED a new hotbed of terror and hatred against the US without the support of the majority of the rest of the world. I agree Saddam was very bad but he did not send planes into buildings in NY. He does not equal 9/11 like you continue to try to portray.

Where did I EVER say open up lines of communication with them. Do not put words in my mouth. Those are your words. Or maybe you were just mouthing Rush.

Why was no proof shown to congress by the CIA and the FBI that Saddam was a supporter of terrorism linked to 9/11? Because there was not any proof of it. He was a killer and torturer of his own people! So is the leader of North Korea. Why not invade that country? Syria is on the list of those who support terrorists. Why not invade there too? What about helping the Israelis wipe out some Palestinians? Hey, Castro has not conformed to our will since the 1960s. Why not show him our stuff? Let us not forget Saudi Arabia!! So you still have not answered the question. You say Saddam financed terrorist activity. Was he directly involved in 9/11? No. Then why are our sons and daughters dying over there (you seem pretty pleased about that part). Should I just GET OVER that?

Geez you keep bringing up Kerry too. I have not mentioned the man once. My concern is not with him or the democratic party. I am an American concerned about the lives of my family, friends and neighbors. I see loved ones heading into certain danger and possible death in Iraq for an unfound reason. Why not admit that the government was wrong? Why stand by and let them kill more Americans in this sham? Why allow them to lie to us and get away with it? King George did that to a group of colonists and the Revolutionary War started just as you said. They were fighting for a just cause. I donÕt see a just cause in sending our youth to their death because we were MISLEAD.

Please answer my question of how we are to pay for all of this? Our involvement in Iraq now will certainly be years (and a lot more lives). We cannot run now. We must clean up the HUGE mistake we have made there. It will cost us billions and billions of dollars (and a lot more lives). But Bush wants to cut taxes. Please explain the economics of that to me because I just cannot figure it out for the life of me. I always thought that if you spend more money, you need more money.

Sorry you have such a big issue with my anonymity. That really bothers the crap out of you for some reason, leading you to name calling and accusations of cowardice. But it still does not change the bare facts of our involvement in this fiasco that you somehow feel is a good thing.

We can't even protect our own border, why the frack are we trying to police the world?
I agree whole heartedly.


BBC shortwave is a British government owned broadcast. They broadcast glowing stuff about Iraq just like VOA does.


My God.... notice to all right wingers: one can love their country AND disagree with their president. No. Really. It's true. Remember the Clinton years? You guys hated him but you still loved your country right? And give me a break with the "you are a coward if you don't support the war". That logic is so childish and asinine it's not even worth refuting.

But back to the original post. Those vids are absolutely horrible. I saw one of them and it was very disturbing. When you hear "beheading" dont be fooled, it's not a swift slash of a sword, these men are literally hacking a human beings head off with a knife. It's bad stuff and not for the faint hearted but if you watch it, you will have no illusions about the evil scum that we are now up against.


Well-known member
This whole thing just makes me sick. I believe Saddam needed to be taken from power, absolutely. But he has inspired, along with numerous other bastards like him, a new generation of terrorists and bullies.
I agree with TET that it is a wonderful thing that girls can now attend school, those tortured are now free. But it's like a catch-22. If we burn off and leave the country now, they will just bully the people into submission like Hussein did, and there will be a new terrorist regime running Iraq. If we don't leave, British and U.S. citizens will continue to be kidnapped and beheaded on video, the soldiers will continue to be rushed by nuts with bombs strapped to themselves, we will continue to be at war, basically, for an undetermined amount of time, like any war. That ******* sucks.
After 9/11, I supported our president. When we went into Afghanistan, I agreed with it. I even, initially, agreed with our entry into Iraq, though I was very uneasy about the fact that our President defied half the world in doing so.
But when my cousins stayed over there for more than a year, and their children grew up without them, from a few weeks old to walking, talking tots, I began to think maybe we should leave. Then the beheadings started. Now I don't know what to think, other than that those executioners are sick ***** who deserve to die slow painful deaths.

[ September 26, 2004, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: hideousvideo ]


Well-known member
No Terry, you still don't get it, you do not know who the terrorists are.

On a national level, we do the same. that is called war.
OK, who is the war against?

your answer "them"

who is "them"

your answer "the terrorists"

Who are the terrorists?

your answer the ones who did 911

And where are they?

your answer "them"

So you do not know who "them" are, or where they are, you do care if you make more of "them", you do not care if you are one of "them", as long as you can make a knee jerk reaction and don't have to act like a liberal.

What don't you think our soldiers have never cut off any heads in the last 50 years? Yeah yeah, we are so pure, how can they do that, I mean come on, it's like so Namish it's almost hip again. Is only your way of life worth protecting.

And you are still missing the analogy, the guys in the video are mercs. The motive to manipulate and make people like you foam at the mouth, way to roll over and give in,

me I can wait, ignore it and let the NSA, CIA or Mossad agents get to the bottom of these small problems. People die every day, there are a lot bigger problems in the world than the people in the sand.

<Hot Air>

Wow Terry, tumbleweeds blowing by here as we wait for your answers. Rush, Oreilly and the administration not supplying answers for you? Sorry we put you on the spot but this is what happens when you challenge bullys. You find out that they are full of hot air. And then they retreat and clam up.

Still waiting on the economics question though. And whether I should just GET OVER IT about the 1000 plus and climbing dead American soldiers.

Oh, and remember the thousands who are maimed as well. We are not hearing a lot about them. The administration is trying to keep that as quiet as possible, like the way they tried to keep the press from seeing the flag covered coffins coming back from Iraq. But you can only hide the truth for so long.

Maybe the BBC can help you out.
Anonymously yours.

Terry E. Toller

Well-known member
Unlike some, I have work to do... To many of us, it doesn't matter that there were no wMDs. there were pleanty of other reasons to go after Iraq. Iran should be next.

Look, your buddies the islamic terrorists keep saying there are virgins waiting for them in heaven. We are just doing our part and making sure all those nice young girls get a husband.

Don't lkie Bush. Vote against him. You sure don't have something to vote for... Don't like the war, write letters. But when you cry like little girls on sites like this, the enemy can see the effect they are having on this country. You are comforting the enemy.


Terry blathered:
To many of us, it doesn't matter that there were no wMDs. there were pleanty of other reasons to go after Iraq.
Such as?
BTW, you still have not told me why I should just GET OVER the US deaths and casualties in Iraq. (4 more killed today).

Sorry for my pointed rebuffs of you Terry. I understand that you are an opinionated far right leaning person. Maybe you are a really nice guy in spite of my disagreement with the views you have. But you really do us all a disservice by attacking us, instead of debating your points of view (I am not the only one holding my views). We all have them and we all have a right to them. I respect your right to feel that we are doing the correct thing by being in Iraq. You should do the same instead of instantly making harsh and insulting statements about who let Michael Moore on the board, calling the terrorists my buddies and all the other idiotic crap that you spew. It adds nothing to the argument and makes you look like a boob because you do not answer the questions posed.

You still are not tackling the economics issue, which I think is a pretty major issue facing our country. If we have to be in Iraq (and I agree that now we are there, we must clean it up before we leave) and it looks like we are going to have to be there for a very long time (we are talking years), the issue of money becomes a big one (leave the death toll issue aside for another time). As an avowed right winger and supporter of the present administration, how do you personally feel we should handle the expenses of carrying on this war and how do you reconcile lower taxes while at the same time spending billions fighting this war?

I really want to know how you guys think this is all going to be paid for?

Of course I have disagreements on just about all the issues I have tried to debate about, but one issue that I am in total agreement and stand with you as strong as all other Americans who have gone through 9/11 is that I truly believe we must secure the US from these bastards. Why you would think that any American would be willing to let these guys win is beyond me. We may have political differences but we are both American and believe in the values that this country represents, one of which is that I can completely disagree with you. My ideas on securing the US would have been more in tune with those that think we should have finished the job in Afghanistan and completely destroyed Osama and Al Qaida before getting involved with a long protracted war in Iraq. But I have been through this idea already.

Please give me your views on our countries financial future, if you can think of something intellectual to say, rather than brandishing slogans, spouting epithets and quoting Rush.

Good luck.


Just could not resist showing you this. The VP even after the 9/11 commision report and the Senate Intelligence Committee report still tries to spin a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. Man is he off base.

From NYtimes 9/26/04:
At town hall and round-table discussions, every word of Mr. Cheney's remarks was dedicated to terrorism and the Iraq war. At the rallies, where Mr. Cheney delivered his stump speech, he did bring up domestic policy - six minutes of his usual 28-minute speech in St. Joseph were used to discuss the Republicans' domestic platform.

Among the usual statements during his discussions of Iraq was the assertion that Saddam Hussein's regime "had a relationship with Al Qaeda," as he put it in Lansing. In its report last summer, the 9/11 commission said it found "no credible evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States.'' The Senate Intelligence Committee has reached similar conclusions.
advance workers could not control what Mr. Cheney said or predict that his dark message would be out of sync with what many in his ardently supportive audience wanted to hear: his stand on domestic social issues.
Yes, me too. How are we going to pay for this?


The bigger question is why aren't the American people coming to terms with any of this? No one seems to care? People cared more about the argument over service records in Vietnam than they do about the Iraq debacle...I swear sometimes I'm embarrassed to be an American...


Originally posted by <Answering>:
Terry, instead of throwing out scare tactics, like your beloved vice president, why not try ANSWERING some of the questions posed to you? Because you cannot and you are afraid? Because you know that we should not be in Iraq and they are innocent of attacking the US and had nothing to do with 9/11? Because you know we attacked and are now killing innocent people in a false war started by a president who did not know how else to handle himself and now does not know how to get out of it? Where are your answers Terry? Anyone can throw threats and hide behind the flag claiming to be a patriot but where are the answers to the questions?

1) Show me the proof that Iraq was involved or somehow responsible for 9/11.
2) Show me the proof that Iraq had WMDs.

The administration has stated that the above has happened and have now been unable to show proof. As a matter of fact, our own government agencies were asked to find proof and have been unable to find any. But you seem to zealously believe it. So why not answer the questions? You prove it and weÕll all be happy to support a war where already more than 1000 US young men and women have been killed because of LIES. Would you like to have your children die over some presidents screw up? Nobody died over Bills blowjob, yet you idiots thought that was an impeachable act. What about lying to the country and killing our troops over it. Is that an impeachable act?

Everything you wrote in the last post had nothing to do with our involvement in this war. You are trying to skirt the issues because you have no answers. This is not about patriotism. This is about being lied to and the ruination of our country by idiots who did not even have a plan after their invasion of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

And one other question you still have not answered. Who is going to pay for this? I thought the democrats were the spenders and the republicans the spendthrifts. This administration has put the country deeper in debt than ever in our history. Who is going to pay for it?

Oh, and yes I will continue to stay anonymous. It is my first amendment right.

Our involvement here is rapidly turning into the nightmare that the current administration guaranteed would not happen...I'm just saying the status quo lines are getting old and I'm getting frustrated!

You are not the only one!!
And CLinton said from 1968 on, as well as Kerry, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, John Kerry said it as late as 2002, in a speech to the Senate in October..... he didn't say 'maybe' he didn't say 'might' he said they had, and he said we knew it from 1998 on... so It'ds not the failure of the Bush administration, or the Bush administrations lies, it goes farther back than that... ALL intel pointed to it, and honestly, that's all we have to work with. If you are so interested in the facts,, then find them out before throwing out the liberal party propoganda that you apparently assume is the absolute truth...


These videos are aweful and the world is such a mess.

I would just nuke the middle east.


aaarrrggghhh bemoaned:
If you are so interested in the facts,, then find them out before throwing out the liberal party propoganda that you apparently assume is the absolute truth..
I do not know what makes you boneheads think I am a liberal. I am just a citizen who has witnessed incredible stupidity, more so than I have seen from any other previous administration in my lifetime (including Nixon).

I do not assume that we did not finish the job in Afghanistan (Where Osama was).

I do not assume that more than 1000 troops are dead and we still have not found a single WMD or a link to terrorists in Iraq, yet we are still there and have made a total mess of it.

I do not assume that the administration keeps lying about it.

I do not assume that our deficit is the worst in our history under this administration and getting worse...and no one in the administration is addressing it. Instead they only talk about the war on terror.

I do not assume that President Bush said we won the war on the deck of an aircraft carrier a year ago.

I am looking at facts. The facts are telling me we are in trouble. And the current administration, instead of tackling the problems have used scare tactics to try to stay in power. Be afraid. If you do not vote for us, we will be attacked. The funny thing is, people are so stupid they believe it. We should really fight the war on terror, not Iraq.

<Jed Clampett>

WMD .... yeah right
It's all about another oil field . If Halliburton can make a few million along the way all the merrier. The tragedy of 911 has been high jacked by Bu$h and has left our media blinkered .


Well-known member
I was waiting for oil to come up.

As gas in my town hits 2$ a gallon I thank heavens we have that other oil field! Goodness!

<I'm mad as hell>

Friggin' A... Gas was about 1.10 a gallon on
9-11-01... Bush said we won the war in 2003, stations aren't buying near as much stringer as they used to "because of the economy", and 2 pints of pre-packed Baskin Robbins Ice Cream used to cost 5 it costs 7!

And our citizens who were being told to go overseas and help establish democracy and a fledgling government are being hacked to death a year after the war was declared won...I sure hope the debates talk about this stuff and not who did what during Vietnam...I don't CARE about that!
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