Hands in the cookie jar in Philly


Well-known member
A shameless plug...

Okay, I’ve kept out of this for as long as I can…

MissNJNorWhatever said:
It's interesting to note, however, that the biggest suckers are the married ones. Just bat an eyelash and they come a-running.
Don’t ya know that There’s Always Some New B*tch to Delight Me?


Blow Me Now



(as sung by Inox, Inox, and Br0d--not me)

These three songs and 227 (no typo) others are available for download from www.boole.org/apologizers

While I'm getting my plugs in, and to stay on topic...

Has Eye Witness Blues released an album yet?
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Well-known member
Go to any Jschool class and you'll have more wanna-be reporters than you could swing a dead cat at - but only a few wanna be photogs.
as a person in college, I can tell you out of the 30 or so people involved with news this semester, I would be the only one interested primarily in photog. Everybody else wants to produce or anchor/report.


I have to agree with you patssle.... I am the only at my university even considering going into the photoging side of things. Sad enough though that our Media Studies degree does not emphasis the need to do the actually news but only on the semesters that your instructors require you to so not very many people actually help out with our newscast so we have about 10% of the people doing the actual work while 90% get a degree with hardly helping out at all. This semester is a prime example of that I am having to one-man band a lot of stories. Not that it is a big deal I love it because of the experience... but on the other hand I would love to see more people involved.

Sorry for the rant just wanted vent a bit. HAHA


Well-known member
Well, personally, I look forward to the day when there are NO photographers left (including ME - cause that means I've finally found honest work!)). Then, when no one shoots video anymore, people will finally realize that we were actually useful....