Two of my favorite instances were when I was in Dallas.The first was a breathless report of a " mysterious death".I race to the residential scene.Cops and M.E. are there.I'm running around with the sticks shooting our "exclusive".Cops are looking at me funny.They start questioning a young male.I'm shooting,thinking he's a perp.Again, the funny look from the cops.I call the desk for more info.Desk says some old guy has been burned to death and young male is suspect.Wow.STILL no other stations here.Shoot Shoot Shoot.Finally,a nice cop saunters over and asks why I'm there.I tell him about the "terrible crime" that the desk has told me about.He chuckles and shakes his head.Seems the poor old gent expired while trying to defecate on the throne,tipped over onto a space heater,and his robe caught fire.Young male was care-giver who discovered him.Imagine my chagrin.
Next was an assignment person who kept misdirecting us.She would regularly send us to the opposite side of town from the fire,shooting,whatever.Then we would have to scramble to catch up to the other crews.The crews were ready to kill her. Finally I sat down with her and talked about it.She was dyslectic,but was too ashamed to admit it.Once we knew that,we would ask her to re-read the information a second or third time,then it would come out correctly.She did a fine job after that.