Saw this guy coming in to work.

Really really creative idea for a nat pack. Definitely didn't see that one coming, and it's nice to get that side of Vets Day, outside of just the requisite "Let's honor this uniformed man" package.

You had a lot of very creative shots. Could tell you were moving around. I wasn't a big fan of the shaky shouldered shot in the car. The window was dirty and it the shakiness didn't fit with the pack. There are ways around that. Prop the camera up on the dashboard... or maybe just don't use that shot at all.

Could have used a lot more nat breaks in it. You have a good amount but on occasion he is talking for way too long. And at one point he takes a deep breath and sighs. RIGHT after he says "I've been through all of that"... tht would have been a GREAT place to quickly insert a nat of him sighing! It injects real emotion into the story.

Outside of that I feel like you needed to make some quicker cuts. "They turn to DRUGS, they turn to ALCOHOL".... cut each time he lists off those things. However, I understand the point of the story is just to show how he is standing there waiting. If that's the emotion you're trying to convey, that he's waiting, then you need to put some longer pauses in. Maybe a few half second breaks of traffic. And don't have the truck/car nats come up so loud. A few of those were jarring especially the first one.

Great shots, good effort at making a visual story out of a homeless guy just standing there. I would have liked to see some reactions from people walking or driving by. Grab them quick with your shotgun mic. "What do you think of this guy?" "How do you feel that he's here asking for money?". Just something to break up the monotony of the same guy talking over and over.
Thanks for the feed back BryantVW. I take everything in consideration. Especially, the reactions from people the story was lacking.
Nice job...there was so much that you did right either by luck or you knew what you were doing...but then you did something (like the dashboard) shot that was way too shaky and like Bryant said, it really didn't fit the piece at all. I think there was also too much concentration on his sound from the needed to help break that up with nat sots of him interacting with drivers or him talking to himself...those sorts of things to really give it some feel. Some nat breaks were a little harsh... just a bit more of a fade in/out and it'll sound much better and not be so aburpt. You also needed some secondary sound from other people seeing him standing there...get their thoughts about what he's doing especially on or around Veterans Day....that would have really added some spice and who knows some better emotion to go along with his troubles...but you don't know until you try...and maybe you did...but you really could have used that element to help tell a more complete story. I like where your head was...but a few tweeks and these kinds of stories will turn out much better. Good effort.
Also...if you wanted you could have set up a better "reveal" by introducing us to this man first...his name, rank, service branch, etc...but then revealed that he's begging on the streets for money to survive. That intro draws us in better by letting us identify with him...then introduce the crux of the story so we symphatize with him...but it should be a story that tugs on heart so don't be afraid to pull on those strings sometimes (just don't make it cheesy) so always be mindful of a "reveal" oppurtunity...they are special and should be treated as such especially when its a subject and timing of the one you decided to take on. Storytelling is a skill that can be cultivated with some studying, hardwork, and talent. Just be ready when you see one next time.
Latin I was waiting on Thanks for the reply and this helps me grow and get better. I take everything in consideration from my fellow photogs on this forum. Ive been doing this for 13 years and I'm still open to teachings and criticism. I dont walk around...thinking Im god's gift to TV. I love to learn something new every day. Thanks guys!
I agree with the other comments. I liked your use of the cars driving by as a natural wipe and showing him from all angels of the intersection. Very, very creative story.