Please tell me what you think

Latin Lens

Well-known member
Overall very nice job. I can tell you put in the effort to shoot and tell a good story. Reporter was on track with you and that showed as well.

My only problem was you kept using the reflection shot.....once was nice....but watch out on overdoing it too much.

Also the reporter standup....I liked alot (the concept of it) but maybe if you had HIS feet walking through those element it would have had more impact.....and put the reporter in the background shooting through his walk...that would have been better because HE's actually doing it.

Another nats are quick which works to your advantange here....I heard a couple of times in the nats under track for a quick nat break with saying stuff like "Alright"...or even a pause in his soundbites...but a quick nat in'll add the spice to make it flow just a little better.


thanks for the feedback, I'll try to watch for those nat pops in soundbites. I also agree with the reflections (after watching it again). thanks