Hey Everyone,
Excited to find this website / forum. I'm a professional videographer with years of experience shooting entertainment and red carpet events but getting into the stringer business. I own a SONY NX5U and already have one of the local stations interested in buying stringer footage from me.
Being new to the stringer side of things I'm hoping someone on here can help give me a little more info so I have more of an idea how to go about things with this station.
When finished shooting footage is it best to upload the footage and email the link to the news director or what is the best / quickest way to notify the station and get in touch with the news director?
I know stringing is an overnight job so is it best to get cell numbers for the news director and let them know when you have a video? When submitting video do you mention price or when should price and terms be mentioned?
Any info, tips and advice would be much appreciated!! Also, is it best to sit home and listen to the scanner for the money calls or is it better to sit in the car at a local Denny's and wait for the call?
Excited to find this website / forum. I'm a professional videographer with years of experience shooting entertainment and red carpet events but getting into the stringer business. I own a SONY NX5U and already have one of the local stations interested in buying stringer footage from me.
Being new to the stringer side of things I'm hoping someone on here can help give me a little more info so I have more of an idea how to go about things with this station.
When finished shooting footage is it best to upload the footage and email the link to the news director or what is the best / quickest way to notify the station and get in touch with the news director?
I know stringing is an overnight job so is it best to get cell numbers for the news director and let them know when you have a video? When submitting video do you mention price or when should price and terms be mentioned?
Any info, tips and advice would be much appreciated!! Also, is it best to sit home and listen to the scanner for the money calls or is it better to sit in the car at a local Denny's and wait for the call?