New pup on the block

Soooooo yes, this seems to be a little more in your wheelhouse but I'm kinda suprised by a lot of what I saw in this piece. I know working with animals is rough but you gotta find a way to avoid all the jumpcuts...more ins and outs of frame or even finding some sort of ultra-tight cutaway to help make those jumpcuts less noticeable. That standup was super just looked weird. Had you maybe had a more wide shot of the field and the report walking thru it to get to the bending down...that coulda looked a little better. I like the idea of that standup but you can tell she wasn't comfortable on cam doing it or the whole execution was off with that edit in it. Just my opinion. Good gfx usage again to help with that tough track. Overall....not too bad because I try and give leniency when working with animals but when you know how to best approach it and get the shots that avoid jumpcuts you'll notice a huge differance but it takes time. Nice work.
how do I help make the stand up better??? I really liked the idea of what we did...what would I have to do to make it less... not great.
Okay...let's examine. I don't mean to poo-poo on it too obviously as you stated, liked what you did. Yes....the idea I liked a lot....great idea. Execution of said idea was off. Like I said...she looked weird just standing there. Had the shot been more wide to show the field more or had she done a little walking (to nowhere) type probably wouldn't have been so weird. go along with the track of the standup...why not have a cutaway shot of the dog sniffing something to get the scent and then cut to the report kneeling and the dog "finding" her. I personally don't think there was enough composition differance between the standup shots (as is). Had there been it wouldn't have looked so weird. Be mindful of those kinds of two part edits in standups and they'll come out just a little better. Hope I explained it right.