Michelle Michaels joins faculty of Advanced StoryTelling Workshop

Steve Sweitzer

Well-known member
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]There are still a few slots available for the full week as well as various combinations of day passes. You can register at [/FONT]http://www.advancedstorytellingworkshop.com/ for the workshop which begines [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]April 11 - 16, 2010 at, Texas State University in San Marcos, TX.

This exciting week long program is designed for experienced TV and newspaper photographers, reporters, and video journalists (VJs) - anyone who tells stories with moving pictures, sound and words. We've broadened our scope to include journalists working for newspapers and one-man-bands. Several of our faculty were working solo and winning Photographer of the Year awards long before anyone used the term VJ.

Working solo or in teams, you will be given real world assignments and deadlines: develop story ideas, research, report, shoot, edit and produce complete packages. Critiques and one-on-one sessions abound. Participants work under the direction of a core faculty that includes some of the best photographers and reporters in the business. For more information and registration forms:

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial] Steve Sweitzer
Past NPPA President
Workshop Chair[/FONT]