HMI what have you?

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<Show me the budget codes>

HMI....what do you have and thoughts....I'm going shopping.

Thanks in advance....

<Old Shooter>

Get ready to crack open the piggy bank.
That being said, We have joker news 400's and are very happy with them. Don't be tempted to save money and go with the 200 watt HMI's. They just don't have the punch to take care of some outdoor lighting situations.


Well-known member
We have two Joker 400 kits, one in the sat truck and one in an ENG truck. Expect to drop about $4000+ at B&H. But they are well worth it, during the day you balance a full sun backlight reporter, and at night, with the 3200k correction dicro, you can light up a building for a background from the street. I love ours.


We have a lot of 200w Arri HMI lights and they have served us well for over 15 years. I do have to say that 200w is not ideal for news work.
400w or even 575w would be better, especially if you plan to shoot them into soft boxes.
If your budget is really tight then you might consider a Lowel DP with a 1K lamp and a dichro.
It's hot and it sucks up a lot of juice (check the generator on your truck first) but it's also bright, cheap and blue.


We have jumped from the jokers and the digi moles to bron-kobold. The lights are great stay a lot cooler than other types and are waterproof.

They actually are waterproof too. I've had them on in blowing rain with no problem. They seem a little more efficient than some other names but I'd still go with two 400s if I had to do it all over again. They are coming out with an 800 in the next few months.

Call Kevin Schill @ Bron Kobold his number is 866-504-2766...tell him satpimp sent you, He's been working a bunch of incentive deals including a great trade in deal.


The Fly on the Wall
We have 3 Kobold 200 kits in pelican cases for run&gun use - mainly standups. At the White house I have the pleasure of using an Arri 1200 Compact, the greatest HMI I've ever used.
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