Freelance Lists

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I know this has probably been brought up before, but how do I get on the network freelance lists? Specifically sports?? Right now I am thinking about using my spare time for freelance gigs, witht the hopes of someday doing it full time. I live close enough to Dallas to do some gigs there occasionally, but I don't know where to begin.


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The networks no longer crew their own remotes except for the #1 NFL and #1 NCAA games of the week. They are still very selective about who runs cameras for their games. Network directors usually have a long list of established favorites and most camera ops have a long track record of working on network games. So the chances of being handed a camera assignment for a big NFL or college game is very small. Most sports remote camera operators work their way up from working on regional sports crews like ie the Rangers or Mavericks & Stars crews. Have you contacted the people that staff the remote trucks for games at La Tech.?

The networks no longer own any remote trucks. They rent them from companies like NMT and Core. The crews they hire for the network games are still unionized and are paid "daily hire" NABET or IBEW scale. ENG photogs and hand held remote mini ops are two very different jobs.


>>>Most sports remote camera operators work their way up from working on regional sports crews like ie the Rangers or Mavericks & Stars crews <<<

would you happen to have contact info on those type of companies crewing the NY area ?
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