For the Conseratives


Well-known member
I actually don't see the political spectrum as a line with a "left" and a "right". I think it is more of a circle. And the two sides eventually meet. We just see so little of the circle we think it is a line.

no... its a line. There are people and interests lined up on both sides, and there are people in the middle. Its a line that gets pushed in different places at different times. In the end though, it boils down to, are you for the people and the future, or are you all about helping yourself and cashing out whatever the cost.

Think about the type of person it takes to say "no I would rather spend my money to go invade some country unprovoked, rather than make sure my neighbor or family has medical care"

And thanks for the breakdown on the difference between a conservative and a republican pre-set. Yeah I dont blame you.... I would try to separate myself from that party too.

But wont someone stick up for Bush and tell me how good a president he has been. Or how about Senator Stevens another GOP poster boy, please come to his aid and tell me how he doesn't represent the conservatives and the GOP.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
But wont someone stick up for Bush and tell me how good a president he has been. Or how about Senator Stevens another GOP poster boy, please come to his aid and tell me how he doesn't represent the conservatives and the GOP.
Don't forget Senator Larry Craig.


Cambot Mk. II

Well-known member
This coming from a guy whose first post was at 2:41 am ? I'm not going to pick on you because that would be counterproductive. I am encouraged that you read such great authors who speak the truth about our societys left wing stampede to mediocracy and feel certain one day you will have thoughts of your own worth quoting.

Balance Media
I too am encouraged that you would come to share with those of us who are or were in the left-leaning mainstream media. Between the left morally bankrupting the country while the right rolls us into financial bankruptcy, perhaps we can find a common ground.

Until then, I'm certain we'll both chuckle over each other's intellectual shortcomings, perhaps over scotch, as the ship we share sinks slowly beneath the waves.

Sure is a shame, too 'cause I kinda liked it.

Go Daddy

Well-known member
I too am encouraged that you would come to share with those of us who are or were in the left-leaning mainstream media. Between the left morally bankrupting the country while the right rolls us into financial bankruptcy, perhaps we can find a common ground.

Until then, I'm certain we'll both chuckle over each other's intellectual shortcomings, perhaps over scotch, as the ship we share sinks slowly beneath the waves.

Sure is a shame, too 'cause I kinda liked it.
America's basic economy is just fine. The financial ills that you speak of do not affect those who come to the difficult times fully prepared. Spending capital to kill terrorists doesn't bother me a bit. The people who are bringing this country down closer to 3rd world status by the hour are the same ones who bought homes they couldn't afford to pay for because they lack good sound financial judgement. Those very same people are the ones who instead of asking can I afford this long term debt in the event times get tough, just ask can I afford the monthly payment and still get my beer and ESPN HD channels. The housing "crisis," was brought on not by banks and the whitehouse, it was brought on by IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY shared like a virus by the financially illiterate. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for the idiots who spent more than they could afford just because they could. On the other hand, who can blame them when the liberal left wing loons will be banging on the doors of those of us who DIDN'T spend beyond our means to bail the leaches out. I don't like 5 dollar a gallon gas but I can afford it because I prepared myself for times like this. I've been trading oil stocks and etf's for the last 3 years to offset gas prices instead of spending every dime I make and borrowing what I don't have and whining about gas prices.

The differences in the left and right is more about respondsibilty than anything else. The left looks for the government to take care of them no matter what ignorant choices they make, while the conservative right is about individual respondsibilty. Lower taxes so people can spend their own money like I did to PREPARE for tough times. Those that spend everything they get their hands on, to hell with them.

The moral bankruptcy you speak of associated with the liberal agenda is something that can never be repaired and to say the conservative right just doesn't care for these people is spot on completely correct. Fk em. The gold teeth and cadilac in the driveway of the house they cant afford should be a poster for the democratic party.


Well-known member
Posted by Go Daddy:

The gold teeth and cadilac in the driveway of the house they cant afford should be a poster for the democratic party.

Looks a lot like a racial stereotype to me.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Or Newt "Family Values" Gingrich getting BJ's under his desk while at the same time railing against Clinton for the same thing.


Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Well-known member
Let's start local. You've been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that's despite record numbers of homeowners, including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we're mentioning minorities, I'll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high.
Ever play that card game, what's it called, "BULLS#IT!"

Claiming that record homeownership is proof positive that our economy is doing fine in the wake of the subprime debacle is just plain absurd! That's like my son going to the pound and being surprised when he gets to go home with a puppy. Lenders were practically gift-wrapping home loans to anyone that walked in the door.

Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton administration. I've mentioned all those things before, but it doesn't seem to have sunk in.
Sorry, wrong again. According to a release from the Dept. of Health and Human Services, the unemployment rate reached a 29-year low of 4.2% in September, 1999. Our current unemployment rate is 5.5%, which also happens to be a 5-year high.

And things aren’t looking good out on the horizon...

We face real threats in the world.
And we now face even more because you and your cronies took too long to figure out that the intelligence was faulty!

If I were the liar you morons take me for, I could've easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be 'discovered.
You make it sound like you can pull a few magic strings and have anything done you damn well please. You say you can have weapons hidden in Iraq to be discovered. And yet you can’t discover Osama bin Laden? Hell, you found Saddam hiding out in a hole in the ground, what gives!?

Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty.
Well sure…and if I put my kid over my knee, he’ll own up to hiding Daddy’s keys. Except my kid didn’t land his toy jet on his toy aircraft carrier and draw “Mission Accomplished” in crayon on some toilet paper that he hung on the wall while he claimed victory over Daddy!

Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me.
Really? Is that why you unilaterally invaded Iraq? And is that why members of your Joint Chiefs of Staff said that Saddam Hussein “poses no immediate threat and that the United States should continue its policy of containment rather than invade Iraq to force a change of leadership in Baghdad.” Their concern was that if Saddam Hussein is removed, Iraq could “split up…potentially leading to chaos and the creation of new anti-American regimes and terrorist sanctuaries in the region.”

Source: Washington Post, July 28, 2002.

Frighteningly prophetic!

She wants to take your kids away and let the 'Whole Village' raise them! i.e. governmental indoctrination .. Look that one up.
Boy, Bushie, you sure come up with some dandies! When the hell did she say she wants to actually take our kids away? She did, however, write a book titled “It Takes a Village.” In short, she insinuates that our children are influenced and nurtured by many forces outside the home – teachers, friends, coaches, doctors, nurses, neighbors, etc., etc., etc… So, Georgie, whether you like it or not it does take a VILLAGE. Hell I’m willing to bet it took the whole damn state of Texas to raise you! Though that certainly doesn’t say much for Texas.

You should be grateful that they haven't gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11.
Oh, of course. I knew this one had to make an appearance…Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s the much overused “if we don’t fight them over there, we’ll be fighting them over here” line. Okay moving on…[be sure to retype that in the prompter for his next speech]

I'm disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of 'Survivor.'

Instead, you've grown impatient. You're incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.
Okay, now here I actually somewhat agree with you. I’ll argue to the bitter end that going into Iraq was a colossal error! But, now that we’re there, I’m torn on what we should do. If we stay, more soldiers die…and for what? To create a democracy? Please! If we leave, democracy and the rest of the country and its citizens all collapse inward like a black hole. The Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds will dissect that country and keep the parts that they want. Okay, so maybe I’m not as torn as I think I am. But part of me holds out some hope that the efforts of our soldiers aren’t fruitless. I think much of the problem with our shortsightedness is due to the Gulf War. Too many people, I believe, saw this as Bush v. Saddam or USA v. Iraq Part II and just anticipated it would be a war of months, not years. But it sure doesn’t help when that donkey went out and said “Mission Accomplished.” That may go down as perhaps one of the biggest political blunders in American history?

Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat's political campaign, well, dang it, you might just as well Fed Ex a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.
WHAT?!?!?! HOW???? That is just blatant hate straight from the GOP handbook. That’s like me saying that every time you buy the New York Post, tune in to Faux News, or send a donation to another morally corrupt and contradictory Republican’s political campaign, well, dang it, you might as well just stuff a 20 in the back pocket of that Exxon oil executive! Or wait, make it a 100, because once they clean the RED blood-stained White House and paint it BLUE, those oil execs will finally be paying proper taxes.

In this day and age, it's easy enough to find the truth. It's all over the Internet. It just isn't on the pages of the New York Times, USA Today, or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you'd be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol or Dancing with Stars.
HERE, HERE! I weep for this country when I realize the kind of crap that is dominating our airwaves. It is downright criminal and, in fact, makes me angry! If more Americans watched programming with some smarts, we might have never had this President for the last 8 god awful years! Instead shows like Big Brother live on for 10 seasons…Hmmm, that’s ironic that we’ve got a President who’s been around almost as long as a show named Big Brother considering he’s grown our government to its biggest and most intrusive capabilities yet – HELLO Patriot Act!

I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city that's below sea level and has a hurricane approaching.
HAHA! You want to talk about Katrina! Why would George W. Bush want to relive that disaster? “Doin’ a heckuva job, Brownie!” IIIIIIIII could say more about my expectations that the government refocus its energies inward on domestic problems rather than on Iraq. Maybe if you sent some of those FEMA trailers over there, we could poison all of the terrorists when they try to set up a trailer park on the outskirts of their training grounds.

I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own wallet, is where the money comes from. But I've come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.
I’ll gladly keep my money to myself if the alternative is that it ends up in the hands of a trigger-happy, drunken sailor, who wants to spend it in Iraq. Hell, now we know why they call it the GREEN ZONE! That’s where they’re hiding all of our damn money!

Just for laughs: By George, I didn’t know you were a cheerleader!

Bush the Cheerleader.jpg

Good Night.

Go Daddy these are all from your posts:

“you're really not fellow Americans any longer.” “too damned lazy...” “all you can do is whine...” “too damn stupid...” “noisy idiots...” “you morons...” “you morons...” “you morons want to be led by a junior senator with no understanding of foreign policy or economics, and this nitwit...” “Did you sleep through high school?” “You idiots...” “...the bastards are all over the globe.” “ actively support those who help the enemy...” “I doubt you'd be any smarter...” “...even if you're too stupid...” “...your insane belief...” “...sail right over your heads...” “...radical Islamic loons...” “...a life long underachiever, or a 3rd world reject...” “...brought on by IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY shared like a virus by the financially illiterate. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for the idiots...” “...the liberal left wing loons...” “...bail the leaches out...”

“The left looks for the government to take care of them no matter what ignorant choices they make, while the conservative right is about individual respondsibilty.”

“The moral bankruptcy you speak of associated with the liberal agenda is something that can never be repaired and to say the conservative right just doesn't care for these people is spot on completely correct. Fk em. The gold teeth and cadilac in the driveway of the house they cant afford should be a poster for the democratic party.”

Now, I understand about DISAGREEING. I understand your dislike of others politics. But don't you agree this is unproductive? Do you want people to be convinced to think like you do? Why would this make me want to listen to you? You've done nothing but insult me and it is human nature to either tune you out or hurl back the insults. Maybe you like choice number two because that is fun for you, but don't you think we'll never get anywhere this way? I suppose one could say that "they started it" or "they're even worse" but isn't that the mentality of a playground scuffle between kids?

I guess I just need to understand, what it is you want from the liberals you hate so much? To think the way you do? And how do you think your posts are getting you closer to that goal?

Go Daddy

Well-known member
Mr Mayor most of those quotes you take issue with are from other people some of which are liberals. Then you end your post with a mischaracterization of me hating which is simply not true. I dont hate people who feed on the government bisquit, I am DUSGUSTED by their existence within my field of view and I refuse to "turn my head." Most of my posts are in response to someone speaking directly to me. So I'm not sure what your agenda is but I suspect it isn't about participating in genuine dialogue.

Go Daddy

Well-known member
I’ll gladly keep my money to myself if the alternative is that it ends up in the hands of a trigger-happy, drunken sailor, who wants to spend it in Iraq. Hell, now we know why they call it the GREEN ZONE! That’s where they’re hiding all of our damn money!

-Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Once again slamming our American hero's. Nice touch.
Go Daddy,

Okay, my don't "hate" liberals. You are just "disgusted" by people on the public dole. The quotes were all from your posts, but you say they are from other people. That's my bad too, I guess. Anyway, lets just concentrate on the last questions of my previous post, which I'll rephrase, with apologies:

I guess I just need to understand, what it is you want from liberals or people on the left? To understand you and your viewpoints better? And how do you think your posts are getting you closer to that goal?

Grip...I gotta ask the same thing(s) of you.

I guess you (Go Daddy) are "not sure what your (my) agenda is." Well, I know you "suspect" it isn't about "participating in genuine dialogue". I guess I'd like to convince you that it is...really. I don't know how you want me to do that, but it is... With my previous post I was trying to say that I, likewise, did not suspect you were interested in genuine dialogue, either. For the record many of Grip's posts have given me this suspicion as well. (Why ask for people to defend Bush?) I hope these questions give you the chance to do away with my suspicions.

Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Well-known member
I’ll gladly keep my money to myself if the alternative is that it ends up in the hands of a trigger-happy, drunken sailor, who wants to spend it in Iraq. Hell, now we know why they call it the GREEN ZONE! That’s where they’re hiding all of our damn money!

-Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Once again slamming our American hero's. Nice touch.

trigger-happy, drunken sailor = BUSH. I suppose I could have worded that as to say, "I’ll gladly keep my money to myself if the alternative is that it ends up in the hands of a trigger-happy president, who will spend it [in Iraq] like a drunken sailor.

Once again...jumping to the conclusion that because we're anti-Iraq, we MUST be anti-soldier. Now go cuddle up in your American Flag to remind yourself how patriotic you really are.
Last edited:

Go Daddy

Well-known member
to: The Honorable Mayor

It is an interesting concept that the agendas of the conservative right and ones from the liberal left might be combined in an atmosphere of compromise and come out on the other end with workable solutions for the majority of America. But unfortunately one would have to be extremely naive to think people who lean towards socialism would understand even after a brief glance at history, that socialism and bleeding heart socio-economics simply do not work. Without that understanding how in the world could there be any meeting of the minds ? Those of us in business for ourselves know this well. You make it easy on me by lowering my taxes, and giving me incentives to go after MORE business doesn't just add to my bank account, it gives me the opportunity to hire a book keeper, a cpa, a grip, an audio tech, a maid, you name it. Liberals think you cater to the fat cat (business owner) by these methods and thats where it ends up. Simply not the case. A liberal thinks nothing of adding taxes to the business owners and cutting incentives that create opportunities and thinks it helps the little guy and it's the opposite. Have you ever been hired by an unsuccessful business man ? Do jobs come from business' that aren't successful ? Will I make more money & drive a nicer car if I am successful, you damn right I will. And I'll be hiring people and creating jobs in the process that make less than I do and drive less expensive cars too. Thats how business & economics works.

I could go on, but I think you should be able to get the point. Encouraging business by incentives and less taxes is how the world goes around. Socialism destroys the creation of business and slams the guy looking for a job. You want the government to take care of everyone who isn't making it when your borders are wide open and for every man woman and child crawling through the holes are taking you down further and further by the minute ? No thanks. Good luck on compromise between fundemental logic that includes the understanding of capital appreciation and job creation, and the tried and proven failure of socio-economics.

Go Daddy

Well-known member
I apologize.


trigger-happy, drunken sailor = BUSH. I suppose I could have worded that as to say, "I’ll gladly keep my money to myself if the alternative is that it ends up in the hands of a trigger-happy president, who will spend it [in Iraq] like a drunken sailor.

Once again...jumping to the conclusion that because we're anti-Iraq, we MUST be anti-soldier. Now go cuddle up in your American Flag to remind yourself how patriotic you really are.
I thought the comment if you were referencing George Bush was so foolish that I gave you the benifit of the doubt. I was wrong and I apologize. Your subsequent sarcasm about cuddling up with the American flag is also a shot at America and patriots and you've already had your one benifit of the doubt so reading into your comments as anti American, and anti soldier/patriots, doesn't hit far from the mark.

Camera Face

Active member
I thought the comment if you were referencing George Bush was so foolish that I gave you the benifit of the doubt. I was wrong and I apologize. Your subsequent sarcasm about cuddling up with the American flag is also a shot at America and patriots and you've already had your one benifit of the doubt so reading into your comments as anti American, and anti soldier/patriots, doesn't hit far from the mark.
I don't think that was a shot at America or patriots. It was a shot at you.
Go Daddy,

Thanks for the reply. This is getting there. Although when you say "you" in reference to me, I think you're making a lot of assumptions about me that you don't know. Anyhow, in reference to what you said in your post, should I assume you don't want a complete un-flitered capitalist society, complete hands-off lassiez-faire economy? Because if the government is helping business -- be it to create jobs or not -- that's not capitalism, not pure capitalism, anyway.... (I'm not inferring that it is bad or good either way, just want to know what you really think...) Would it be better if every drop of water, every molecule, every piece of ground was owned privately by some person or corporation? Would that be your personal version of a utopia?

Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Well-known member
I thought the comment if you were referencing George Bush was so foolish that I gave you the benifit of the doubt. I was wrong and I apologize. Your subsequent sarcasm about cuddling up with the American flag is also a shot at America and patriots and you've already had your one benifit of the doubt so reading into your comments as anti American, and anti soldier/patriots, doesn't hit far from the mark.
Camera Face said:
I don't think that was a shot at America or patriots. It was a shot at you.
Camera Face hit the nail square on the head.

You know, this is what really irritates me about the Go Daddys of the world. I reply to your "Bush resignation letter" with a lengthy rebuttal and of all the points I make (hoping you would attempt to return the favor with a rebuttal of your own) you predictably take the Republican way out: When all else fails, question their patriotism! It is truly sad and, quite frankly, disrespectful how you will cloak yourself in the red, white and blue when you can't win an argument.